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Of links and sources?

Just curious about what SWeeps think. Whenever I post a pic, I post a source for it, or there's a reason why I didn't (even if it's just being lazy).

For example, if I post a screenshot of tweet, I also usually post a link to the tweet. I'm usually not vouching for the accuracy of what was said, as opposed to pointing out where it was said and asking for comments about it or giving my opinions about why it was said, what it means, etc.

But, when I see just screen shots or memes, I feel "cheated", without the context of where the the poster got it from or even what they think about it.

I get how arguing over sources is exhausting, but do other SWeeps appreciate context like I do?
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
I don’t post anything, just make comments. You’re in a group of people I trust so knowing you have credible information is enough for me. Personally I’m sick of the bullies on here that always question posters and demand tons of legally binding documents, then still just want to badger the OP
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@BackyardShaman Hey, don't do that based on one comment.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
@MistyCee 👍👍
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
@LordShadowfire 👍👍
Carla · 61-69, F
I guess if I trust the poster, it doesn't matter to me. But that context being there is appreciated.

I will tell you though, I dont post memes, but I will a screenshot. Honestly, I am computer illiterate(purposeful? Well yes)
and would have to write it, and type it. I would indeed do so if requested.
But really, on the norm, i am a lazy poster, a lazy commenter. But let's just call it casual...
@Carla Casual is cool by me. I'm pretty sure no one here has first hand knowledge, but the context, i.e., a source or cite seems, imo, to make anonymous social media slightly less useless and at least more interesting.
Carla · 61-69, F
@MistyCee you are, of course, correct.
And, as you are, i will try to include such links going forward.
Casualness be damned!
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Sometimes it helps if you feel readers may want more info.

But don't think links are always necessary, especially if it is clearly a parody meme.

There are always going to be others who will demand sources for anything just to troll or be a contrarian. I'll sometimes tell them I'm not their mommy; they can do their own homework. If they want to dispute something I've said that I know is factually correct, then the burden is on them to find something counter to it in some alternative universe.
TexChik · F
I remember when people used to cite Fact checkers as their source , in their mind no other verification was needed . As we all know now , those are bogus as well
@TexChik Naw, see that's my point. We really don't know from the source or even lack of a source with any certainty.

I don't think the source is determinative, but I do think it's relative.

For example, I'm not a member of the church of @TexChik or the church of anti-@TexChik, and I'm not sure any source gets its "right" but when someone doesn't give me any source at all, they don't give me helpful context.
TexChik · F
@MistyCee pretty much , I just know any source I can recall that claimed to have proof about Trump being involved with the Russian collusion hoax is on my sh*t list and I will never believe anything they claim going forward. WAPO and NYT lead the pack .
@TexChik Yup, and I get that. It's why I looked at the Mueller Report at the time, as well as what everyone had to say about it in terms of figuring out my own perceptions of what's a hoax and what's not.

Hell, I even read Barr's "summary" as well.

I'm not saying that Breitbart or WashPo, the NYT, Fox News, Gateway Pundit or Alex Jones is always either right or wrong, but I like having the context of where someone gets their facts or ideas from.
use this to see the bias of a web page like ap or oan or fox or cnn on which way a story leans
use this to fact check

And thank you.

Footnoting/citation is part & parcel of intellectual honesty.

Too many people don't understand the lie of copy-and-paste.
Northwest · M
I always try to include a link, to make sure the post or comment is evaluated within the proper context.
i like links and memes are cheap sh it. so ya keep doing what ya do.. i appreciate context. mark
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Yes, I appreciate it, because context is important.
I think including sources should be second nature, muscle memory for everyone, it should be taught in school, it shouldn't be some extraordinary effort, it takes 5 extra seconds

Especially when people are making really outlandish claims and frame it like it was in the news somewhere, but in reality it was just something their basement Q-ru shared in a Facebook group, the context is beneficial

Moreover, on meme-ish images in particular that may only be on social media, they cannot necessarily always be reverse image searched on Google
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I always post a source. Images can be doctored so easily it's not funny. I can change the entire text of a headline using an Android app called Meme Generator.

That being said, I do admit to some bias myself. I'm less likely to ask for a source from somebody with whom I agree politically.

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