Is this extreme?
Forced abortions on all pregnant women no exceptions.
If the answer is yes and you feel the forced birth law they just imposed is not extreme, you are a massive hypocrite and a liar.
That is why they advocate for choice. You are pro-life wonderful you have the choice of never having an abortion. Forcing someone to give birth who doesn't want to is inhumane and what we do with livestock. Women are humans and we have the right to decide what we do with our bodies. This decision will be regretted. Get ready.
If the answer is yes and you feel the forced birth law they just imposed is not extreme, you are a massive hypocrite and a liar.
That is why they advocate for choice. You are pro-life wonderful you have the choice of never having an abortion. Forcing someone to give birth who doesn't want to is inhumane and what we do with livestock. Women are humans and we have the right to decide what we do with our bodies. This decision will be regretted. Get ready.