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I was blocked yesterday by a man who would not be honest.

I do not understand these people. He began by accusing the current sitting president of treason. When I asked him to provide evidence of his accusation, he deflected by demanding evidence that Donald Trump had committed illegal acts.

I allowed the deflection, because I welcome the opportunity to show such persons what evidence actually is. This person refused to look at any of my evidence, because he did not like the source. I provided raw video footage of the now former president inciting the insurrectionists on January 6th. I gave him multiple sources, because he would not look at the full uncut video as provided by the Washington Post.

Why are certain individuals like this?
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
It was never about evidence in the first place.

Psychologically when people are confronted with proof they're wrong the brain responds like they've been physically attacked.

This dude probably is in a constant state of agitation over getting "the bad guys" whomever they are and so anything bad about them is immediately true. The treason Biden is guilty of is just being on the other side and so his very existence is illegal.

This isn't about evidence its about identity.
@CountScrofula Exactly. This explains most "debates" about politics and religion.
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
I had a few incidents with friends on SW last week. I work really hard to keep my friendships on here. I don't want to get myself into an echo chamber, so I like having conservative friends. And yet the moment I mentioned that I probably hold most of the views she associates with "woke" people, the entire interaction just fizzled. I never once confronted her, told her she was wrong, or in any way hassled her. It honestly really affected me. I felt like I was judged as an enemy regardless of what I actually said.

The best I can come up with is that people have certain narratives and are unwilling to have those narratives challenged. "Woke" people have been so consistently portrayed as villains, as anti-white racists, and as wanting to tear down the moral fabric of society, that we can't even have a conversation about my actual beliefs. I work really really hard to be non-confrontational. But apparently my existence is controversial enough for some people. Or maybe the fact that I am an outspoken LGBTQ person, and I appreciate that Target sells pride merchandise. I don't know. The whole interaction just really left me feeling sad. I thought she was friends with me. 😢

For what it's worth, the left is not exempt from constructing narratives where we cast conservatives in the role of villain. I hope we don't do it often. But I know we do it, I've seen it happen.
@ShadowSister I’ve come to a point where I interact with ultra-conservatives as little as possible. Anti-black racism is a "trigger" for me, I experienced enough that I don’t want to encounter it if I don’t have to. And folks who use the term "woke" disparagingly are usually the worst in that regard.

Maybe if I were younger it would be different, but I just don’t trust anymore and I know I don’t need that ugliness in my life. I won’t be unkind, but as soon as I hear those familiar right wing buzz terms, I’m headed for the door 🙁
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
@bijouxbroussard Thank you for your perspective. You're not wrong. I would like to use my white privilege to engage them and try to move the dial. If folks with privilege don't, who will? And yet, those discussions feel so fruitless. And I need to constantly remind myself in those conversations not to position myself as one of the "good ones." I benefit from systemic inequality the same as other white folks. So figuring out what to say and how to say it feels both overwhelming and necessary. But then I read your comment and I remember how much more you have on the line with those people than I ever could. Thank you for causing me to rethink the stakes. I appreciate you a ton.
When truth hurts these people, they ignore it.

How much in denial does one have to be to not even be willing to accept the outcome of a legal presidential election ?

To decide that viruses and school shootings where people actually die are hoaxes ?

To call themselves supporters of "free speech" while continuing to ban books, media and even refusing to teach about actual historical events that make them "uncomfortable" ?
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Do facts work at persuading people. They should do but they don't.

Winning debates online makes me feel good but I don't think the neutral audience usually cares all that much. It's stories and narratives that win people over.
I’m sure I know who this is. They blocked me for the same reason. There’s no point in producing evidence as they really are in a cult. I fully expect some of them to riot when Trump is arrested, either for his role in 1/6 or in GA.
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
Whether he has or he has not is currently beyond what's occurring here in the USA today. Do I think he has some responsibility over some of it, yes but not all of it. Before the pandemic, my company had 107 employees at my location. We are at 69 employees and we are hiring. Yes these are new jobs, but technically they're not. And we're not the only employer in the USA that's experiencing this. Biden's problem is that he's saying that he's creating 'new' jobs, but realistically he's not. He wants to curb the gun violence here in the USA as we all do. And all he's said is that we must do something. There has been so many things put forth recently, that I have no idea as to what is best thing to do without trampling on someone's Rights. Instead of sending more money to Ukraine, why don't we spend the money Now to secure our schools. Now I wouldn't go out on a limb and say that he has committed treason, but I will say that quite a few of his policies have been detrimental to the USA in general.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@dakotaviper Reynolds was killed at Gettysburg in 1863, which has absolutely nothing to do with the weapons of today. As I said before, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever that legislation cannot be crafted to eliminate the military weapons of today that have one purpose--to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

Your "rights" do not include being able to own any weapon of your choice at any time for any reason. You need to educate yourself on the current Supreme Court interpretation of the Second Amendment in the Heller v. DC decision. You would probably be surprised that it specifically addresses gun control.
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
@windinhishair granted, you and I know the difference, but over 99% of your brethren do not. That's factual and I doubt very much that your elected leaders do either.
Afterall, they cannot tell the difference between a clip and a magazine or the rates of fire. I've heard so many 'educated' liberals say 1000 rounds a second so many times it's laughable.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@dakotaviper Lack of knowledge is lamentable on both sides of this issue. Why not work to help craft effective legislation that actually addresses the problem?
monte3 · 70-79, M
Fragile little egos they have. 😊. I am always. Curious how constant deflection adds up to anything in their minds. Being shown that they are wrong does make them angry. 😊

And don’t worry whoever this idiot was will probably show up under a new name…
One look at how Fox news key audience responded to the news that Biden won Arizona should have told you EVERYTHING about what you're up against.

They fled to OAN.

Fox news ratings took a hit for reporting the truth.
WalksWith · 56-60, F
They do that all the time. imo, they do not have the insight, curiosity, intelligence, or the integrity to admit when they are wrong, it's easier for that type to run and hide.
cycleman · 61-69, M
Egos and mentalities .... they are taught they are right.
That is what Trump has shown them to be.
Now it is time for everyone to accept and just move along.
monte3 · 70-79, M
There is something very satisfying about being blocked by a total fool. Good work.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@monte3 hows Budwick. Dude blocked me is he still posting lies being upset about stuff 😂
monte3 · 70-79, M
@JohnOinger oh he blocked me too. So did the other half of his brain jackj. I feel proud.
We're in a world of increasing, not decreasing, dogmatism and blind belief. I don't know why.
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
I don't engage in marshalling evidence in most cases because it doesn't change minds. This is true of Trumpists especially, but a certain pro-Russian leftist suffers from the same ailment.
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
@Burnley123 I think this is semantic. If it is just “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” there are better ways to make that clear.

He also defends the Chinese famine and Ukrainian famine.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Fukfacewillie Yes, he wasn't clear.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@LegendofPeza I didn't know about the Avi lolz. Oh dear.
Northwest · M
It's probably the same guy, who has an "female" alias here, and continues to make that same accusation. No big loss. These are troll accounts.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Because they have been so thoroughly indoctrinated for so long that they are no longer able to distinguish between fact and fiction. Nor do they want to.
There is no reason to try to understand certain people who are extremists. There is actually no point in even engaging them.
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these persons,, have succumbed to a faith issue.
faith is belief without evidence or when confronted with Contrary evidence
they have drunk the kool-ade, and no reason, data or exhibit will change then
they are fearful people seeing those who do not agree as The Enemy
its like sticking fingers in one's ears, and going lalalalal
you are well rid of them
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Why? A big part of it is a “limit on intelligence “.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
You shattered his bubble .
it is fruitless to bother engaging with the right usually because no matter how good your sources are they'll just call them a commie rag and dismiss them if they don't tell them what they want to hear.
AbbySvenz · F
❄️ 🤷‍♀️
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Delusion. They don't want the truth. They are perfectly happy in their fantasy bubble world. . They also get all they need through these kind of interactions. ...which only serve to make them feel smart to themselves.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
The human brain is a marvel lol.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Their Delushuonal
Would never have happen on Y!A
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@SW-User Only because blocking was useless there. Everyone had half a dozen or more accounts.
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monte3 · 70-79, M
@Majorsite and what does this post have to do with the topic? And where do you find “hate”?

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