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Shootings we make it to easy

Every politician that votes against gun laws need to be voted out of office. They are sacrificing YOUR children for MONEY. All the while their children and grandchildren are educated in ivory towers. And most likely have some sort of security. America is about working together to " make a more perfect union." Gun owners need to sacrifice the privilege of owning any killing thing the want. WE MAKE IT TO EASY TO KILL INNOCENT CHILDREN BUY A GUN AND GO WILD. The only way to cure this ilness is to curb access. You got a better solution???????
pdockal · 56-60, M
Gun laws don't stop criminals
We need better mental health
We need better schools
Don't take my rights away because your scared of a few idiots
pdockal · 56-60, M
@Gangstress ??????????
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@pdockal “We didn’t have these problems a decade or so ago”. Are you 12? Or have you lived under a rock? From Charles Whitman in 1966 to San Ysiidro in 1984 to Columbine in 1999 this has only been happening consistently in the US. Stop hanging this on “‘mental health”. One it demonizes the millions of people who struggle with mental health issues and are gentle. Two, you haven’t addressed why this doesn’t go on outside the US. Apparently only Americans are mentally ill.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@pdockal This is deflection bud, you're denying history and recorded fact now. Does it matter?
ilikeitlikethat23 · 61-69, M
Scared of a few idiots???? Im sorry but the truth is we need a mix of all of that but when it comes time to enact legislation everybody complains the budget is too high.

No one takes responsibility, do something.
Getting rid of half the government that is pro-killing and child abuse would help. In ADDITION to gun laws. America want even do the easy stuff. They certainly aren't going to do TWO easy things.
Shadowwatch · 70-79, M
If gun laws actually worked, Chicago would be the safest city in the country. Instead it's one of the most dangerous. The state I live in has constitutional carry law. Our crime rate is well below the national average. People with mental health issues are the problem, but we don't want to do anything about that. You don't see these mass shooters going somewhere that some one else might have a gun, hell no. They just go to gun free zones, schools.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
The problem with any bills is the pork attached to them
Crazymatt · 31-35, M
No they are upgolding the constitution...funny its been this way for so many years without the threat of a school shooting and now all of a sudden the last 10 years its been nuts. Its a people issue not a gun issue. Broken families, bullshit on tv, lack of parenting, loads of hate...smh
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
I am with you , Thankgod I am not the only one thinking this way means there must be others like us they all need to make themselves heard .

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