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If peace between Russia and Ukraine threatens NATO, and a gun free America threatens both parties- ?

If they're afraid of it, doesn't that mean it's probably something good?
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
How on earth does peace between Russia and Ukraine threaten NATO?
Before the conflict NATO existed for decades.Gun free America is a completely different subject.
The only things thing the Russian invasion of Ukraine has shown is the incompetence of the Russian military and that Russian soldiers consider murder of civilians acceptable.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@wildbill83 Wrong.All NATO members pay in 2% of GDP every year.Although admittedly some have paid in less.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@Changeisgonnacome NATO does not need to expand.Any new member countries ask if they can join.Because of Putin it has become necessary for NATO countries to increase military spending.Something they did not want to do.In case you didn't know Ukraine is not a NATO member.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@wildbill83 Eliminate Russia, China, North Korea, Israel there will be no need for the military in any country.
TexChik · F
America protects its citizens right to keep and bear arms with its highest law, the constitution. America will never be gun free.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@TexChik and in case they ignore that law/try to change it, our Constitution obligates us to overthrow them... 🤗

and currently, guns outnumber politicians by around 750,000:1...
TexChik · F
@wildbill83 They will never have the votes to amend the 2A
walabby · M
Peace in Ukraine would be good, and a reduction of the availability of guns in the USA would probably be good. Who are "they" , that are afraid of those two unrelated things??
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
@walabby why, conservative and moderate people, of course. Denial is important, though! Keep us explaining.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Just another Middle East 2.0 staring Former President Bush interviewing Joe Biden.

Bush: "Welcome to my war mongering show. Well I pass the torch to You Biden. Are you continueing to push this War?"

Biden: "De'z Tiawan Citizens in in in Ukraine are dropping like ashes and we all fall down if we've don't do something about uhhh uh ummm you know the "Thing".
I don’t take sides here, but given all the reports about the failures/ shortcomings bythe Russians in their military endeavors, without the support Ukraine is getting, the Russians would have crushed them. Just an opinion.
Budwick · 70-79, M

If I'm afraid of falling off the top of a hi rise - It's good to fall off a hi rise?

Read your posts before hitting enter.
From news reports seems there is and will be some serious fighting in Ukraine.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
Did someone actually say peace between Ukraine and Russia threatened NATO? That's an interesting take. 🤔
walabby · M
@ViciDraco Seriously! There WAS peace between Russia and Ukraine for 20 years after the collapse of the USSR, and NATO was just fine...

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