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Herschel Walker: Whats the difference between the left and the right today?

A decade or two ago, I'd never have dreamed that a candidate proclaiming his own Dissassociative Identity Disorder diagnosis would be acceptable to either party.

And yet now, not only Trump, but also McConnell and Graham are fine with voting in, what, tbh, is, as genuine a "nut case" as you can imagine, because, you know, he's anti-Biden.

Personally, I'll give you, if Jeffrey Dahmer ran against Trump, I'd be tempted, but damn, are we not in a screwed up place?
eli1601 · 70-79, M
Uh, you voted for a guy with dementia. For President. There is one President there are 100 Senators. Don't act like you really care.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
@monte3 😂 sure
monte3 · 70-79, M
@eli1601 😊 you use the sunsporter brand of logic I see. 😉. If you come across a thought let us know..
eli1601 · 70-79, M
@monte3 😂
2 decades ago legislatord from the left and right often COLABORATED with one another for the good of the nation.
bi partisanship was not "sleeping with the enemy"
go back another decade? and it was common.
remeber the ozone hole? and how we Immediately acted on an aexistential threat, it worked!
if that happned to day, we would have fact denial
theere is no ozone hole,, or maybe we NEED an ozone hole
what will banning cfcs do to the economy ( wealth of my supporters)

I think we are well and truely scroon ( past tense of screw)
and must over haul the system. losing political parties, private funding and professional lobbying
Dshhh · M
@MistyCee at least they HAVE ethics..'
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@LvChris you are so very right.
all across the country, this divide is getting more and more real world
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
The only "nut case" in your post, other than the late Jeff Dahmer, is you.

You've obviously never been to Georgia. Herschel Walker is that state's favorite son. He will easily oust the communist Warnock.

No wonder you put up this post. You're scared. Number of GOP gains needed to take the Senate: 1. Here it is.
tindrummer · M
@SatyrService that's cause it's total bs - as I know you know
@tindrummer i have adopted a new method here. i actually want to understand WHAT people believe and how they came to believe it. My goal is real discussion not just conflict
you are most likely right, but I am willing to give a chance. the response e will inform my understanding
@CactusJackManson I am interested in what the word Comunist means to you, I only have a political science definition, I am aware it may just mean "someone I hate" to YOU. but i really want to know, you may have information I do not. Has Warnock ever been part of any such organization
tindrummer · M
@SatyrService got it and sorry I jumped in
Trump has declared jihad against Georgia's current republican leadership, because these folks committed the unpardonable sin of holding free and fair elections where Biden won.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
I went to junior high and high school with the bully, Herschel Walker, trust me he’s a very violent person. I truly hope he loses.
tindrummer · M
doesn't seem to be a depth they won't sink to
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I think the thing that is notable to me (as an outsider lol) is not that the Republicans are crazy and right-wing. It's that they are crazy, right-wing and take a huge chunk of American opinion with them.

Trump would beat Biden in an election held tomorrow. I know this is unfair and Biden is getting blamed for things unfairly but its nonetheless striking.

Think of all the shit that Trump has done and none of this is disqualifying. It makes democrats hate him more but moderates don't give a shit. Meanwhile, the Overton window shifts ever rightwards...
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@monte3 I agree. Not the other guys doesn't work. I think you should embrace social democracy, get some populism etc. I don't see the democrats doing that.
monte3 · 70-79, M
@Burnley123 we have to find a way to appeal to lower middle clas whites for sure. 🤷‍♂️
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
@Burnley123 @monte3 Here's the closest we have to a left wing populist -- Dem Senate Candidate for Pennsylvania, John Fetterman. He's got charisma to burn, and he's not 80.

[image/video deleted]
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
But the dude won the Heisman. Lol
Dshhh · M
@monte3 well like when Bush W traded off Sammy Sosa?
monte3 · 70-79, M
@Dshhh yeah the General Manager that made that trade is still reviled in MN.
Similar to Sosa, the twins traded or release David Ortiz because they thought he was a couple of years older than he claimed. 🙄 great move!
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@monte3 Dallas totally robbed you on that one for sure .
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
It’s a needle in the globalist haystack
Dshhh · M
what awful Fex they are
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
Sorry, wrong Football hero story. He's the wife beater from Georgia. Nothing odd there
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
At least Dahmer understood eating people was a no-no.

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