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Why are Republicans trying to stop Democrats from capping the monthly cost of insulin at $35.00?

I don’t get it. How can people complain about gas prices and not give any attention to this outright immoral price gouging?!

Of course, it passed the House of Representatives thanks to every single Democrat and in spite of almost every single Republican.

It cost $70.00 to make an annual supply of insulin. Despite only costing $70.00 to produce, the price of insulin has gone from $2900.00 in 2012 to $5600 in 2016 to $12000.00 in 2022. In that same time period, the cost to produce insulin has decreased by 40% and a $12000.00 sales price. That is a 17000% mark up.

While the recent house bill to lower insulin to $35.00 helps most Americans, it only covers those who already have health insurance. So if you’re one of the millions of Americans who need insulin to live and don’t have health insurance, you’re out of luck.

Even at a 300% markup, insulin would only cost 2 billion to provide to every single American who needs it. If the US can afford an 813 Billion military budget, the US can afford 2 billion for free insulin.
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Trump enabled Putin to Invade Ukraine
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@Graylight 😂 That's pretty much how I just responded to that bonehead
@Graylight OK, I agree, it's off topic, but still accurate. Trump's attempt to strong-arm Zelensky by delaying weapon delivery to coerce him into announcing a fake investigation into Hunter Biden, may have given Putin the idea that the US would not respond to an invasion.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@LeopoldBloom Because it's a crucial point... I think you're absolute correct. Trump flashed to Putin in neon lights that Americans were gullible, he made whatever rules he wanted...and he was an idiot. The perfect political foil shilling America for sale.

This is the result of known BS tactics, tactics we knew were dangerous and wrong. Unfortunately, the US has become so exceptionally good at minimalization and flippancy that we relegated most of it to punch-lines and chat rooms. And now Putin's assuring us of his retreat even as he commits the worst acts of genocide yet. How long are we going to be Charlie Brown trying to kick the football?
The GOP worries about fetuses and couldn’t care less about living, breathing people, including children with T1 who need access to insulin. That’s the kind of basic heartlessness I can’t understand.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@bijouxbroussard I will never understand their logic or lack of empathy.
@Randi1125 I truly believe that if the GOP could find a way to make substantial money through abortionists, they’d abandon their "pro-life" constituents in a second.
Dino11 · M
They are in the hip pockets of the drug manufacturers.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@Dino11 They sure are.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Just guessing, maybe because whoever has an interest in selling insulin for $700/vial bought them?
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@Elessar You might be on to something...
big pharma had made a lot of profit off of it. i know someone paying 300 a vial. they would like to see the income from it to keep on flowing . so the republicans are in the pocket of big pharma.
As of March 2022, the price for a vial of insulin ranges from $50 to over $1,000, and a pack of pens ranges from $45 to over $600. “Prices are too high,” Redmond says. “Not just for insulin but for most diabetes medications.Mar 10, 2022
Over 37 million Americans have diabetes
The reason Republics oppose is simple. Lower cost of insulin would help millions of people. Those people would credit the democrats with lowering insulin cost and god forbid that might lead more of them to vote for a democrat (can't have that now can we?) . To be clear, I am 100% certain if this legislation was proposed by a republican the democrat's would oppose for the same reason.
@DeWayfarer There truth in that. However, Dems do similar things. I am not a big fan of either party because I believe they act in the best political interest of the party and the wealthy and NOT in the interest of the people they represent.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@JuneMiller I did say both sides do it .
@JuneMiller Democrats support helping civilians, Retrumplicans oppose it and support the Putin Praising wannbe Dictator Trump.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
GOP wants nothing to change, just get worse.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Give it time. One day soon, Lindsay Graham's going to develop diabetes and then you'll see suddenly outrageous insulin prices plummet.
@Graylight Not as long as he has the money and connections to hoard his own private stash.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@bijouxbroussard Ah, yes. We must think like them. He probably already has his insulin.

Has a tidal wave ever hit Washington D.C.?
Bubbles · 36-40, F
I think the argument they have is that it caps the copay at $35, so that the price actually isn't capped, and the drug companies can just keep increasing the price, which the cost will be put on the insurance companies, who will then increase premiums to cover the cost.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@Bubbles This could all be prevented when greed is not in the equation.
@Randi1125 The change allowing HMOs didn't help contain costs.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Whenever it comes to helping anyone, suddenly the free market is of vital importance.
@ViciDraco Republican politicians are the most selfish of the 2 parties, and they persuade supporters to be hateful and selfish too
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
what does corporate greed have to do with republicans
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@DeluxedEdition You're joking, right? But with that said, there are some Democrats knee-deep in corporate greed.
@DeluxedEdition Republicans want you to stay brainwashed, uneducated and unhealthy.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@SW-User They love a scared and easily manipulated population.
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@prrawnvockedmale Too bad type 1 diabetes doesn’t care what you’ve eaten. That’s why children are sometimes born with it. It tends to be hereditary.

I suppose here’s where you’d say "choosing one’s parents more carefully, costs nothing” ? 🥺
@prrawnvockedmale Consuming sugar doesn’t cause diabetes, professor. That explanation has been debunked.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Read the bill, want it passed don't re-elect anyone . One item one bill

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