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PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
That has been US official policy for 100 years. The self appointed world police. Smedley Butler ranted about it in 1935.
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MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Once again, you are a fraud. You know it, I know it, North America knows it. And, the EU will know it.
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
@MarkPaul And more projection. Again I am not the one who is constantly larping as a journalist and a medical professional.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Well, you are presenting yourself as a prophet... until your prophesy doesn't come true. I look forward to seeing you in GI Jane 2.
Lady G is like a fish out of water. Him asking Judge K B J questions about her credibility was the absolute pinnacle of hypocrisy. Miss Graham pokes her head out of the closet to ask questions about integrity, honesty. WTF
Carla · 61-69, F
Any which way the wind blows.