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Tulsi Gabbard Totally Embarrassed Herself on Sean Hannity's Show Tonight.

She couldn't have looked more like a Putin shill had draped herself in the Russian flag.


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Pfuzylogic · M
He had her with the bare chested horse picture.
RedBaron · M
I seriously wonder why anyone watches the drivel that dominates Fox News.
@beckyromero yeah I know how you guys think. Obama's economy was shit because of bush trump's economy was good because of Obama and Biden s economy is bad because of trump. Putin backed down to trump and saw weakness in NATO leadership and invaded. But yeah those four years of trump in office Russia didn't try anything but yes it had nothing to do with Biden being a joke around the world
beckyromero · 36-40, F
yeah I know how you guys think.

I don't blame Bush for the economic downturn that occured in the last couple months of his EIGHTS YEARS as president. I think he was a damn good president. And I think we're better off today because he won in 2000.

Yes, the 9-11 attacks occured on his watch. But they would have occured on "President" Gore's watch as well.

Do you think Osama bin Laden gave a damn who was president in 2001? Well, neither does Putin care who is president now.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
You noticed how it wasn't until the weak feeble minded guy got into office is when Putin decided to invade.
No, he invaded on President Biden's watch, not the feeble-minded one.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
Gabbard stated the best course of action is for Ukrainians to take a dive because Russia will ultimately win anyway.

Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@beckyromero Imagine what she would have said on December 7,1941 after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Not sure about after, but as the Japanese attacked she would have been ranting like Sen. Gerald P. Nye, speaking to an American First crowd, calling Franklin Roosevelt a war-monger and refusing to believe a reporter trying to warn him that Pearl Harbor had just been attacked.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@beckyromero It is amazing how many dummies and actual traitors there are in Washington D.C. running national affairs. The country will be lucky if it survives 2022.

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