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deadgerbil · 22-25
I'll have you know, my good man, that everyone agrees with me and my views.
Who's everyone you may ask?
You need to figure it out and do your own research!
Now cease interrupting my rambling thoughts, agreed to by every voice inside my own head, and get to doing your own research, lest you become a sheep 🐑
Who's everyone you may ask?
You need to figure it out and do your own research!
Now cease interrupting my rambling thoughts, agreed to by every voice inside my own head, and get to doing your own research, lest you become a sheep 🐑
Carla · 61-69, F
You need to ed-u-cate yourself, blue. Your facts are fake. I know what i know because i know it. And well, i know a guy...
Yeah. Those people are not worth responding to. I’m tired of giving them multiple chances. They’re not going to change and suddenly engage in honest debate. They’re just going to do the same goal-post moving over and over…
deadgerbil · 22-25
@SW-User I regretfully inform you that you are going against the consensus of 'everyone.'
I refer you to my earlier comment on this post, that reveals how you can find out who everyone is and how to avoid the pitfalls of being a sheep
I refer you to my earlier comment on this post, that reveals how you can find out who everyone is and how to avoid the pitfalls of being a sheep
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
The moon is made of cheese.
Prove me wrong!
Prove me wrong!
redredred · M
If you’re a leftist losing an argument to a conservative just shout “Racist!!”
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
@redredred that happens all the time. Don't forget Homophobe or Islamaphobe. Those get said all the time too.
You’re wrong and I challenge you to disprove me peasant
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Thats Conservatives
BlueVeins · 22-25
@JohnOinger john olinger top tier political commentary 💋
checkoutanytime · M
Or post a profile picture holding a russian flag, ive had some leftwing ding bat literally do that. At that juncture i had to block the wierdo
How To Argue Like A Conservative 101