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Springfield Missouri... WTF is your problem

this is the currently flag of it:

its about as ugly and boring as flags go... seriously whoever designed this didnt put any thought into it and propably didnt care at all, it looks like a placeholder.

and this is what the new proposed design is:

it is a very elegant yet unique design with some thought put into it.

and still there is people who try to defend the old flag design.
ron122 · 41-45, M
Isn't that where "The Simpsons" live?🤔
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
As the senior official on flag designs here I agree that the new one is 10 million times better
Change the font to comic sans. Lol
PassingThrough · 41-45, M
The old flag is quite American. By that I mean it’s very “spell it out so no one gets confused”. Agreed, it’s barely worth taking the time to even create it when I could have mocked that garbage up in 5 minutes in illustrator
@PassingThrough yeah a lot of american city and province.. and even state flags look like someone who doesnt care at all but had to come up with it in 5 minutes.

a flag should be something you are prou to display... not something you are ashamed for cause apparently the people it represents are boring stupid people...
dale74 · M
So what does the new flag mean said it's very profound and has great meaning well tell me what it means sell me on the new flag.
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@Notsimilar what tradition ? it say nothing at all about the place, its history or the people who live there. noone ever fought for that flag it is simply a design made by a bored city offical who didnt care about it at all. and people just stuck with it cause noone cared at all.
Notsimilar · 31-35, F
@SquirrelGirl lighten up
@Notsimilar i dont think the design would get any better if you just lighten it up
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
I didn't even know my city had a flag until I googled it just now. For fuck's sake, not everything needs a flag.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
The second one reminds me or Argentina, which is cool enough.
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JohnOinger · 41-45, M
[@SwuirrelGirl] So what do you think of Jason Momoa & Would You Do Him
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
MethDozer · M
Both are pretty shit
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