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President Trump Lists Thousands of Ballots Included in 2020 Election In Arizona That Were Fraudulent Showing He Won the State

President Trump listed a number of issues in Georgia in the 2020 Presidential Election and then he discussed the results from the Arizona audit yesterday.

President Trump began by listing the results from Cyber Ninjas yesterday and the 57,000 ballots with issues identified.

In Arizona there were also 17,000 duplicate votes identified.

In addition, the President listed the hundreds of thousands of issues identified in the canvassing by a group of individuals in Arizona.

Then the President listed the IT and cybersecurity issues listed yesterday by Ben Cotton.

The big issue of identifying those who illegally deleted data from files was not listed by the President.

The crowd began to yell “We Want Trump”.

One Arizona county - 57,000 fraudulent votes.
GirlPower · 26-30, F
The justice department reviewed all of Trump's spurious claims of fraudulence and found nothing that could be substantiated. Instead, they feel that the amount of their time he has wasted and the amount of division he has caused strongly indicate an unpatriotic man guilty of election tampering.

Americans must then decide to believe either Donald Trump or their government. They should keep in mind that Trump is an egotistical crook and liar whose covid bungling caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary American deaths.
GirlPower · 26-30, F
@hippyjoe1955 The republican party creates a deep state of delusion among the less educated. This is its nature.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@GirlPower The Deep State isn't Democrat/Republican nor was it created by either party since either party serves at the will of the Deep State. If either party steps out of line the Deep State will punish and remove said party until that party repents and takes its rightful place in the Deep State's control. The politicians are actors.
bystander · 70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 What a load of nonsense. Get a grip1 You’re a grown adult, but just take a look at the mental masturbation you just posted. Silly little man!
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
There were more votes cast than there are actual living voters in Maricopa County and in the entire state of Arizona.
MissTaken · 36-40, F
Where is Trumps proof ?
TexChik · F
@Driver2 it always happens in blue states , but they chose red states that had democrat governors or Secretaries of State who implemented the illegal voting changes quietly. Only state legislatures , via the constitution, can make changes in state voting law and practices. The red states are now aware and have taken steps to prevent the lib cheat .
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
@TexChik It's also amazing that Fox News would not report any of this. But they also switched over to the dark side on November 3rd.
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MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
[image deleted]
bystander · 70-79, M
@MrBrownstone What ever shows the sheer nonsense of The Big Lie is ‘not legit’, yet you lick the boots of a narcissistic autocrat who sneers at your gullibility even while he pisses on your democracy. He knows you’ll help him to tear it down simply because you think there’s something in it for you. Greed, fear, and gullibility.
Trump made America a world-wide joke, and you keep things that way.
Hang your treasonous head in shame!
Budwick · 70-79, M
you lick the boots of a narcissistic autocrat

You mean Biden?
No one is bowing or licking.
Biden is the most universally despised president - ever.

Ans Trump was and will be the greatest President the country has ever known.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@MrBrownstone maybe China mailed in ballots🤷‍♂️
Joe is their man ya know
Not to mention election officials and judges who refused to look 9 months ago at legit concerns and sworn affidavits
egg on their faces..
curiosi · 61-69, F
And they cheated even more ways, such as sharpies! They had to because Trump won in a HUGE landslide.
LizOwen · 41-45, F
If you're not careful over there, the USA will become as corrupt as England!
And yet there is isn't a single source for that conclusion. Every news agency, including Fox, reported that no fraud was proven and the conclusion of the audit was that Biden indeed win.
JimBeam · M
Seems to me the Dems have one of two choices.
1. Admit there was voter fraud
2. Admit the majority of voters wanted a brain-dead president

They can't have it both ways.
lou502008 · 61-69, M
@JimBeam well, we both know they won't admit to voter fraud!

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