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“God Bless Abortions”

Leftist Group Drapes “God Bless Abortions” Over 65 Foot Christ of Ozarks Statue – Plan on Selling T-Shirts with Same Message

A far left activist group draped a “God bless abortions” sign over the 65-foot tall Christ of the Ozarks Statue in Eureka, Arkansas this week.

The group is so proud of their stunt that they are selling T-shirts to commemorate the event.

Today abortion is a rallying cry and a sacrament to the left.

Via Indecline.

The renegade Activist Art Collective, INDECLINE has unveiled its latest piece of protest art directly on top of the iconic 65 foot tall Christ of the Ozarks monument in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

The heavy duty cloth banner carrying the message, spans 44 feet, weighs over 50 pounds and is equipped with locking mechanisms and pulleys. Last night, it was transported through the nearby woods, smuggled onto the property by a small team disguised as a construction crew and strung up just before sunrise. This is not the first project the collective has unveiled pertaining to this issue and it is unlikely to be the last.

The depths of far left depravity is staggering.
Celebrating abortion is about as sick as you can get.
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I’m definitely pro-choice and at first upon seeing this I was a little shocked. Upon further reflection I thought it more about offending religious dogma than the act of termination itself. So it was a statement to get a reaction, which obviously, it did.
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Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
@Kwek00 Perhaps, but you don't hear it much. Trump even walked back his comment that women should be punished, but he was actually being logical.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Fukfacewillie Just depends on his underlieing premisses. I don't know about trumps remark, I've not heared that one. Last time I listened to him I learned that windmills were destroying our oceans. People clapped.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Child abuse, poverty and homelessness is morally worse.
EndlessCircles · 26-30, F
That is so disgusting.
Judgement day eventually comes for each of us. Imagine having to answer to God for this.
Gosh, the pro-choice movement is employing some of the same tactics as the pro-birth movement? Heaven forfend!
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Renegade artist art collective. Lol
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Saw this, almost laughed, then almost cried.
Nanori · F
At least children only die once this way
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
would be poetic justice if members of indecline were found crucified in the middle of the woods... 🤔
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
[image/video deleted]

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