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How has Joe Biden improved the quality of life for all Americans ?

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deadgerbil · 22-25
He's taken on a no nonsense approach when it comes to covid.

Consider the fact that trump and his supporters foment conspiracies about this virus, to the extent that trump didn't reveal publicly that he got the vaccine, lest his followers turn on him.
Peaches · F
@deadgerbil YEAH, 😠 the b@stard didn't warn the American people at all! That's another reason he'll never get back in!👎
deadgerbil · 22-25
@Peaches hopefully he won't be back in. He admitted to downplaying the virus, yet his supporters will say he had it under control.
Peaches · F
@deadgerbil He didn't have 💩 under control! He can't even control his self!💥 Going around begging people to change the votes!?🥴
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M
@sunsporter1649 that’s all you got?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@JoeyFoxx In January, Biden called Trump’s travel ban on China to slow the spread of the Chinese coronavirus “hysterical xenophobia.”
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Trumps election rally during pandemic:

Biden election rally during pandemic:

Something that was mocked by Trump and till today plays in some of the heads of his biggest fans that the man couldn't have lost the elections... because he didn't ask people to stay home and be responsible.

Also Donald Trump 6 days ago at a rally in North Carolina:

And we saved a period of a year, maybe more, you wouldn’t have the vaccine right now. This room would be empty because they would ask me to be here and I would say, “No, thank you.” And you would say the same thing. This would be an empty room right now. And your state would be in a lot of trouble and the country would be in a lot of trouble because you wouldn’t have the vaccine until probably October. It might’ve even been later than that. And one of the things I’m most proud about is we did the vaccine, developed the vaccine, and I pushed the FDA.

- Donald J. Trump

I guess his mind suddenly changed on this one too. Fuck, how easy it is when your base excists out of a bunch of mesmerised lemmings to just change your mind every month and not getting to be called out for it.

sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Kwek00 In January, Biden called Trump’s travel ban on China to slow the spread of the Chinese coronavirus “hysterical xenophobia.”

by April 3, slo joe turned 180 degrees and supported the travel ban
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@sunsporter1649 Only if you believe Donald Trump Sporter.

Just read this:

Trump said, "When I closed he said I should not have closed. ...He said this is a terrible thing, you are a xenophobe, I think he called me racist. Now he says I should have closed it earlier. … He thought I should not have closed the border. That’s obvious."

Biden didn’t take an official position on the China travel restrictions until months after they were first enforced. And while he has called Trump a racist and xenophobic, those comments weren’t explicity in reference to the travel ban.

Trump’s claim contains an element of truth, but overstates and takes Biden’s comments out of context. We rate the claim Mostly False.

You'll find the source material in the article.
Donald likes to play the victim of all kinds of things, it's embedded in his speeches too. And you mesmerised lemming folk just parrot it around like he wants you too. It's all kind of stupid, but you keep doing it annyway because it makes you feel good about yourself. A bit like the person that repeats the commercials when someone asks them how they find the commodity they just bought.

Mr. A: Wow that's a nice T-shirt, is it quality?
Mss. B: It's Nike, just do it!

that's the level of conversation that people have with people like you.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Kwek00 More left-wing nut job cultist rewriting history. George Orwell would be proud of you clowns
deadgerbil · 22-25
More left-wing nut job cultist rewriting history

You say people are rewriting history. What do you call this, when you tried to twist this picture and say it was taken at a different date, just to suit your warped politics? You couldn't be more wrong, yet you've failed to admit your fault and keep talking nonsense.
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Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@deadgerbil You just watch the global IQ, it will have a huge jump in the upcomming 20 years. But it's going to get worst before we reach that point.
deadgerbil · 22-25
@Kwek00 yup. Politics aside, sporty really has an issue. Like, there should be prerequisites to having a discussion, like being honest, and he can't even aquire that characteristic.

I would be so embarrassed to discuss politics if, in doing so, I tried to rewrite history and get proven wrong based on a simple Google search.

He must not have any shame or has such a low IQ to not know what shame is.
Peapod · 61-69, F
@Kwek00 All of Trump's behavior is just being a malignant narcissist.

Honestly? I still cannot believe there are those still willing to defend this POS with evidence of his "crazy" right in front of their faces.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@deadgerbil He's just a guy that listens to demagogues and got angry. It's inside all of us, he just indulged in it and it turned his brain mulch. What ever inteligence he had, he's not using it. From now on it's just an angry autopilot that reproduces all these angry messages he filled his head with.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Peapod The so called "silent majority" isn't silent anymore, and those that did the talkin before Obama are still voting republican for the low taxes, and some are still voting because they voted republican all their life... but they are keeping their mouth shut now. Those people don't like people like Sporter, it's kinda embaressing.
Peapod · 61-69, F
@Kwek00 You have a point. They are just more bold with their obnoxious and hateful views towards anyone that may follow a more progressive viewpoint.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Peapod I think power in the party kinda shifted during Obamas' presidency with the tea-party. And these rich businessguys that supported the party are all right with these far right elements being activacted in the movement, in the hope to keep taxes low and regulations on the enviorement to a minimum.

It's pretty weird to see people that don't have it so big and are being screwed over royally by really big business owners, vote for a party with a big business owner running for president and backed up by big business owners as long as they can be free off immigrants, take away the right for abortion, and have enough guns in the house so they can protect themselves from the people that have enough guns in the house. 🤷‍♂️ A huge part of the republican electorate got better off by Obama care, and yet they still vote to get rid off it because they need their guns, they are pro-life, there are immigrants and gays are bad. 🤷‍♂️
Peapod · 61-69, F
It's pretty weird to see people that don't have it so big and are being screwed over royally by really big business owners, vote for a party with a big business owner running for president and backed up by big business owners as long as they can be free off immigrants, take away the right for abortion, and have enough guns in the house so they can protect themselves from the people that have enough guns in the house.

THIS!!! 👏👏👏

Right now, I see them as the party of "blame" too. Regardless of who is in charge, they seem to be very happy blaming liberals for all their own ills instead of taking personal responsibility and shunning those that would throw them under a bus in a heartbeat. I think there was a time when this was not so much the case.

I certainly don't think some Democrats are people worthy of respect either. I just think more liberals can admit that.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Peapod This poppulist way of doing politics is devoided of self-criticsm. People that subscribe to it, just believe that they are the good guys. And everything they do is moral. They are a moral homogenous group that can't do annything bad and every action they perform is good by definition. And thus, everything that goes wrong and everything they perceive is "bad" is blamed on the other side, who are by definition immoral. These people excist soley to pester them and the world would be better if they weren't around or at the bare minimum have no power. If they win the elections, they have cheated the real moral people out of their rightfull choice because the good guys can't loose if everything would be honest.

That's why they support measures that keep fellow citizens from voting and support a guy that is clearly against free speech and the freedom of the press. Because these people are by definition bad people that shouldn't have a voice that only excists to bring the moral group misfortune.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Kwek00 Keeping citizens from voting? Where did you hear that?
Kwek00 · 41-45, M

Robert Gleason - Republican Party: Voter ID helped a bit in the race against Obama.


Mike Turzai - Republican Party: Voter ID which will allow governement Romney to win the state of Pensylvania

Here is a Court Appeal from the court of North Carolina against Voter ID-Laws implemented by the Republican Party:

It reads:

In response to claims that intentional racial discrimination animated its action, the State offered only meager justifications. Although the new provisions target African Americans with almost surgical precision, they constitute inapt remedies for the problems assertedly justifying them and, in fact, impose cures for problems that did not exist. Thus the asserted justifications cannot and do not conceal the State’s true motivation. “In essence,” as in League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry (LULAC), 548 U.S. 399, 440 (2006), “the State took away [minority voters’] opportunity because [they] were about to exercise it.” As in LULAC, “[t]his bears the mark of intentional discrimination.”

And today, there is fuzz about a bill in Georgia, where lines during voting can go up too 6-8 hours for people that are waiting to vote, that will make it illegale to give these people to get supplies of food and drinks from outsiders.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Kwek00 LOL, and you believe that bullschiff, eh? Amusing
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@sunsporter1649 Here we go again. And you dare to talk about "Orwell"?