DDaverde · 61-69, M
Because he speaks the truth and people are so afraid of hurting feelings instead of respecting this President. (Who loves this country) .he’s out of office but the Still are witch hunting him……

@PatKirby that and they've made themselves mentally ill building him up in their minds to some kind of monster (3000 times worse than Hitler!!!) by convincing themselves that 'words are violence' including 'I believe in putting my nation first.' This is somehow now seen as a manifesto worse than forcing Jewish people into mass ovens (partially I suspect because the left now hates Israel)
PatKirby · M
Their little blue wagon needs fixing, and I know just the person to provide that urgently needed repair.
Their little blue wagon needs fixing, and I know just the person to provide that urgently needed repair.
llamaboy · 36-40, M
All I want for Christmas is for the 2020 election to be overturned and the rightful President to be reinstated.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
O'Biden administration now looking to cede US sovereignty to the CCP controlled bureaucrats at the WHO? When will the treason end?
EMERGENCY, Call your congress people immediately and stop this.....
Excerpt from article above:
[Officials from the Biden Administration are working to give the World Health Organization the power to unilaterally declare a health emergency in any country, thereby giving them emergency powers. The message from the administration and the vote are going unreported by the heritage media, but former Congressman Michele Bachmann is working hard at sounding the alarm.
Bachmann has stated that the upcoming vote in Geneva over the Biden Administration’s amendments would cede U.S. sovereignty to the WHO over national healthcare decisions in what she described as “the biggest global power grab that we have seen in our lifetimes.”
Bachmann’s concern is over the vote that will take place on May 22 in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) governing legislative body, the World Health Assembly (WHA). The vote is to ratify the amendments proposed by the Biden administration and are scheduled as “Provisional agenda item 16.2”.
Bachmann spoke about the dilemma on Steve Bannon’s War Room.
“This authority that they will be given will impact 99.4% of all the people in the world,” Bachmann said. “There are 193 nations belonging to the UN. The Biden administration is bringing amendments that were proposed that all nations of the earth cede their sovereignty over their national health care decisions to the WHO.”
“This means that the WHO would have decision-making authority to intervene in the United States government policy and any nation of the world without our permission. For instance, the lockdown where you see 26 million people today locked down in Shangai, China. They can’t leave their apartments or homes. The WHO would have the authority to be able to enforce that here in the United States, on whatever pretext they want. They don’t have to show data. They could do this.”]
O'Biden administration now looking to cede US sovereignty to the CCP controlled bureaucrats at the WHO? When will the treason end?
When you thought you've seen everything imaginable, the O'Biden administration pulls out another treasonous stunner out of the hat. These miscreants on the Left are now attempting to hand off US sovereignty to the WHO. It is a covert way of opening up a back door to world government control.
This Biden treason is becoming Orwellian, how much more damage can the Left possibly inflict upon our country? We are now to be held hostage by the CCP controlled WHO? Where are the Republicans on this? Sleep at the switch as usual.
Call your Congress people now and inform people this is happening. Tell them all to get on the ball immediately and stop this!
EMERGENCY, Call your congress people immediately and stop this.....
Excerpt from article above:
[Officials from the Biden Administration are working to give the World Health Organization the power to unilaterally declare a health emergency in any country, thereby giving them emergency powers. The message from the administration and the vote are going unreported by the heritage media, but former Congressman Michele Bachmann is working hard at sounding the alarm.
Bachmann has stated that the upcoming vote in Geneva over the Biden Administration’s amendments would cede U.S. sovereignty to the WHO over national healthcare decisions in what she described as “the biggest global power grab that we have seen in our lifetimes.”
Bachmann’s concern is over the vote that will take place on May 22 in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) governing legislative body, the World Health Assembly (WHA). The vote is to ratify the amendments proposed by the Biden administration and are scheduled as “Provisional agenda item 16.2”.
Bachmann spoke about the dilemma on Steve Bannon’s War Room.
“This authority that they will be given will impact 99.4% of all the people in the world,” Bachmann said. “There are 193 nations belonging to the UN. The Biden administration is bringing amendments that were proposed that all nations of the earth cede their sovereignty over their national health care decisions to the WHO.”
“This means that the WHO would have decision-making authority to intervene in the United States government policy and any nation of the world without our permission. For instance, the lockdown where you see 26 million people today locked down in Shangai, China. They can’t leave their apartments or homes. The WHO would have the authority to be able to enforce that here in the United States, on whatever pretext they want. They don’t have to show data. They could do this.”]
O'Biden administration now looking to cede US sovereignty to the CCP controlled bureaucrats at the WHO? When will the treason end?
When you thought you've seen everything imaginable, the O'Biden administration pulls out another treasonous stunner out of the hat. These miscreants on the Left are now attempting to hand off US sovereignty to the WHO. It is a covert way of opening up a back door to world government control.
This Biden treason is becoming Orwellian, how much more damage can the Left possibly inflict upon our country? We are now to be held hostage by the CCP controlled WHO? Where are the Republicans on this? Sleep at the switch as usual.
Call your Congress people now and inform people this is happening. Tell them all to get on the ball immediately and stop this!
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
There's nothing like kryptonite to the left and the deep state than the truth.
PatKirby · M
Q: How do you make a conservative angry?
A: Tell him a lie.
Q: How do you make a leftist angry?
A: Tell him the truth.
Q: How do you make a conservative angry?
A: Tell him a lie.
Q: How do you make a leftist angry?
A: Tell him the truth.
llamaboy · 36-40, M
President Trump will lead the nation back to sanity.
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llamaboy · 36-40, M
@therighttothink50 The Petro Dollar will be defended?
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
llamaboy · 36-40, M
Now that Trump is the clear choice, expect the uniparty to gnash and wail incessantly until they steal the election again.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@llamaboy for sure. i sure hope the secret service protects him
llamaboy · 36-40, M
No more Democrats. They destroy everything they touch.
llamaboy · 36-40, M
Every time I see 45 it’s so bittersweet because it’s a glaring reminder that 4 yrs of his amazing poIicies were snatched from us! America first.
KYLakeDiver · 51-55, M
Best video I ever seen.
llamaboy · 36-40, M
@KYLakeDiver Yes, I love that video :)
akindheart · 61-69, F
i will be seeing him and Matt Gaetz in person tomorrow night. I will post what he says at this meeting.
llamaboy · 36-40, M
One wonders how they will attempt to thwart the will of the people again this November.
llamaboy · 36-40, M
I can’t wait till we have a president that loves America first again.
llamaboy · 36-40, M
I just wish we could inaugurate Trump tomorrow and put the Biden nightmare in the past already.
llamaboy · 36-40, M
I hope this country survives until we can vote out every Democrat
Great speech
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
A Pastor who is blunt and speaks a lot of truth….
"The Death of a Nation!" 10-8-23
"The Death of a Nation!" 10-8-23
llamaboy · 36-40, M
Trump was the most honest President to U.S. Citizens that the USA has seen in a very long time.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
[image/video deleted]
We can solve all problems by listening to this guy :)
llamaboy · 36-40, M
@therighttothink50 [media=https://youtu.be/84aJGB197Ys]
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@llamaboy you should follow Jim Willie videos too..
llamaboy · 36-40, M
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
8 Reasons The British Crown Still Controls The United States
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