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BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
Amazing how so many medical professionals made the vaccine possible and yet you wanna give credit for it to a guy who probably couldn't even spell the word "inoculation."

Had the vaccine been developed under the Biden administration, would you be saying the same thing? Of course not. Because Biden's old fucking ass wouldn't have had anything to do with it.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Driver2 He cleared the way to get it done? Tell me how he did that. Give me an example of something that Trump did which "cleared the way" for the development of the COVID-19 vaccine. Give me an example of how he made that possible. Because last time I checked, he revoked a lot of money from publicly funded medical research. Y'know, the people who DID create the vaccine.
Ganon · 26-30, M
@BlueMetalChick publicly funded? The vaccine was produced in a hasty manner due to the Defense Department and federally funded academic laboratories.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Ganon Exactly. What the hell do you think the Defense Department is? That's public sector. Federally funded academic laboratories are the institutions I'm talking about. That's tax money, from the federal government, being spent on research and development at labs connected to universities.

Nobody00 · F Best Comment
Driver2 · M
@Nobody00 so right , 😉
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
And just like that..
The wall isn’t racist 😁
And he walked on water, changed water into wine and rose from the dead. No one gives him credit for his accomplishments. Damn haters!
Driver2 · M
@quitwhendone no he just got the job done that’s all we asked
You are delusional.
@Nobody00 Yet you call me brain washed. Sounds likes one of us might be in a cult.
Nobody00 · F
You. Cult members usually call strangers delusional @SW-User
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Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
There is the rest of the world you know, that were working on the vaccine and not ridiculing Covid.
Driver2 · M
@Zeusdelight no it’s facts ,
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@Driver2 tell me the facts then?
Driver2 · M
@Zeusdelight the fact is he cleared the red tape to get it done
And you can’t deal with it.
Everyone has a right to be moronic but this is too much
Driver2 · M
@SW-User than don’t get the shot
people care about their perception of another person not the truth
monte3 · 70-79, M
The poor poor little Donny 🙄. And no we would have the vaccine with or without him.
In fact remember how you people all you people wanted trump to get credit for the economy he inherited from Obama? Well in a similar vein it is now the Biden vaccine. 😊
Trumpsie will remember for January 6th and nothing else. Well having about 150,000 more people die from covid than necessary also, but mostly January 6
monte3 · 70-79, M
@Driver2 that makes no sense. On any level. Just saying...
Driver2 · M
@monte3 do did you get it ?
monte3 · 70-79, M
@Driver2 ok I will bite explain that to me. 🙄
Trump accomplished a miracle, against the biggest evil in the world "bureaucracy"

He cut a path thorough disbelief and absurd counter priorities ... to deliver relief to the planet.

By May 1st, it will be 1 Billion doses
Frank52 · 70-79, M
He had nothing to do with most of the vaccines developed internationally, a lot to do with crank suggestions of drugs with no evidence of efficacy and an amazing amount to do with taking the credit for other people's work. Fact is, if he had not been in office, science would still have progressed (to say faster or slower would be a partisan guess) and successful vaccines developed.
Driver2 · M
@Frank52 you know that’s all bullshit
If it was so easy why didn’t another country get it done?
All we heard is it would never get done in 2020
It was
Frank52 · 70-79, M
@Driver2 Another country did get it done. The UK authorised the British/Swedish Astra Zenica vaccine on 20th December 2020. Pfizer was authorised on 2nd December 2020.
Persephonee · 22-25, F
Yeah he undoubtedly had a profound impact on vaccines developed in Europe and Russia too.

"Fact is," Trump certainly deserves credit for not making vaccine development worse, but the system worked regardless.
What's amazing are all the Trump lovers who called the Covid Vaccine "Trump Vaccine" but refuse to take it because they're scared the mRNA change their DNA 🥴
Driver2 · M
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
I always say if people hate you, you must be doing something right.
Confined · 56-60, M
The fastest a vaccine has been developed and approved is 4 years.May 28, 2020 — Previously, the mumps vaccine was the quickest to have ever been developed, according to National Geographic. And that took four years.

Trump bullied the FDA into approving the covid vaccine in less then a year even though many believed it was not properly tested and safe. The FDA approved for Emergency Use Only. They are not saying it's safe by approving it.
Joe Biden would have allowed the normal 5 year process to take place.
akindheart · 61-69, F
akindheart · 61-69, F
@BlueMetalChick i did. i got the J & J one on March 26th. I am pretty sure i had a reaction. i have been sick since Day 14
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@akindheart My only reaction was that the arm where I got the injection became swollen and tight. I think that's less due to the vaccine itself and more to do with the delivery method. Putting a needle into muscle tissue never does very much good, regardless of what you're being injected with.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@BlueMetalChick yeah my arm hurt like hell. i just kept massaging it and moving it around. i started getting headaches about 10 days ago. then started feeling like i had an infection. almost bedridden.
Nobody00 · F
...but they will line up for anything...and bend over
They’re following, I want to say science but I’ll state it as what it attempt to influence and push people toward their agenda/objectives through following the hysteria along with the uncertainty of the virus and the vaccines.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
TBH Trump's mishandling of covid is the one fault I find in his presidency. He should have fired Fauci and Birx when they marched into his office and told him their lies about this massively deadly disease that was going to end humanity. Sadly he didn't and the world is a much worse place because of it.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Driver2 No. The world has wildly over reacted to a virus. Remember H1N1? How about SARS1 Both had higher death rates than covid but we panicked over a virus that is quite to be expected. From fantastical computer models that were all proven wrong to death rates that were inflated beyond belief to incorrect testing and diagnosis there wasn't too much that we didn't do wrong. Then there is the insane vax that hasn't been tested for efficacy or safety.....
Driver2 · M
@hippyjoe1955 so you won’t take the vaccine will you ?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Driver2 Why would anyone of sane mind or body take an untested vaccine for a virus that is very survivable given simple treatments or avoided by using even simpler treatments. The vax will be proven to be more deadly than the disease.
Peterhorn · 61-69, M
Lol. You are funny
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Driver2 · M
@Peterhorn your from the UK ,when you live here than talk to us
Peterhorn · 61-69, M
@Driver2 truth is universal
It had nothing to do with the scientists and doctors involved 🙄
TexChik · F
Now that Fauci is unsupervised , I really don’t trust anything coming out of his mouth
justanothername · 51-55, M
Trump lovers should be comedians :)
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BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Driver2 If you hate the woke mob, you're in luck. Most of us lefties also hate the woke mob, myself included. But the good news is, the woke crowd is way smaller than you might think. They have a much larger image than they do a presence. I'm reality, they're pretty fucking irrelevant, which is good for the rest of us.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
REMsleep · 41-45, F
People did not like Trump's actions. Will you shun all of the bounty due to Americans just because Biden or any political figure that you disagreed with had a hand in making it happen?
Grow up
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@REMsleep This is what happens when a person decides that they're a partisan. It's the same reason republicans claim to be "tough on terror" yet they suck Saudi Arabia's cock and give all their tax money to Al Qaeda. It's why democrats think idpol is the most important factor when voting but they'll happily vote against the people whose identities they claim to support if those candidates buck their party line.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@BlueMetalChick Agree. I don't support politicians or politics. My vote is a small tool to effect change in the small way that I can but I will never align with a person or a party. I will support their time in office when it is beneficial to me and my community and the future of our country.
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akindheart · 61-69, F
@BlueMetalChick no you are not. you are one smart chick who likes to argue. i still like you
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@RogueLoner not caring about another country's sovereignty does not equate to not caribf at all and not having an opinion. That's why we were arguing.

Um...all those different demographics you named are radically different, have completely different goals, and hate each other.

Plus you've openly supported leftist ideas in conversation with me.

I'm a terrible person not because of anything political. I'm just a violent abusive piece of shit and people can't be around me without getting hurt by the stupid shit I do.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@akindheart Thanks, I appreciate the kind words, but you don't know the awful things I'm responsible for.
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@CopperCicada Governments form a large part of what you describe as the 'market' - therefore it doesn't make sense to not acknowledge their role. No company had successfully produced and marketed an mRNA vaccine. COVID created the push and the urgency and indeed a number of vaccines were created within the year -hitherto impossible- and would have remained impossible if not for massive government investment
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
I don’t think he wanted people to see his tattoo. @JeanAnna
Driver2 · M
You really believe that?
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BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@MarmeeMarch You're gonna have to give me an example here or something. That's too vague for me to make heads or tails of.

If you can't think of something specific that I've said, then I'd ask you to look for the next time you think I'm doing it. Like next time I talk to you and you notice me "spinning" something, point it out.
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BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@MarmeeMarch I really don't know what to say here because I've got no clue what you'd consider to be liberal or not, since that word had lost so much meaning. I could try to give you a good idea of my political ideology, and describe what the general attitude of people here in my city think. I don't know if that interests you though; it might be fairly boring.

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