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undefined · 31-35, F
Not taboo, just wishful thinking. We've all become much more aware of how disgustingly hateful and intolerant the people of this country are. Not all of us, of course, but enough that it's driven tons of women to seek therapy to cope, which says quite a lot. It's a scary place to be anything other than a rich white guy, now.

NCCindy · 36-40, F
For those of us on the conservative side of the political spectrum, we tolerated and even sort of survived Barack Obama as president.

Time will tell how Trump ends up ...

To those who are liberals ... we tolerated your guy for 8 years and even grudgingly accepted him as President ... it's now your turn.
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
Does that mean they get to whine that Trump's not born in the nation and call him a terrorist the whole time?
NCCindy · 36-40, F
They can whine all they want ... to quote Nancy Pelosi ... Elections have consequences ... we've lived with them for the last 8 years !!!
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
@NCCindy: The point is that some people never accepted Obama. Probably some won't accept Trump either.
Mguinm · 51-55, F
Only time will tell but I do believe he can change some of the things this country needs so badly. I believe we can get out of the national debt and Obamacare needs to be drastically changed or repealed and replaced. I want to say also that I don't condone any violence on either side of this. It's getting out of hand. Fox News (republican based channel) are showing democratic anti-trump supporters burning flags, destroying people's businesses, injuring cops and civilians, using foul language and blocking traffic, beating up Trump supporters. Then I've heard of some cases on MSNBC (democratic channel) that Trump supporters are spray painting white supremacists graffiti on buildings and putting up racial signs and chanting things to scare people.

We must have unity here. When Trump said "We" and "Us" in his presidential acceptance speech he meant all of us as a nation, not to divide this country. Both democrats and republicans are filling their minds with media and there is so much hate. The anti-Trump supporters say "Love Trumps hate" well they aren't being a good example of that now, they are producers of hate themselves by displaying this kind of behavior. Like the saying goes "Can't we all just get along?" Give the guy a chance to govern this country. He won, let's move on now and heal from this.
1961dave · 61-69, M
I don't believe that Trump supporters are painting white supremacist Shit, really yhat's ridiculous. That's some Liberals that were paid to do it. The left is trying ti create lots of chaos!
Mguinm · 51-55, F
It could be Dave, this wouldn't surprise me. I'm only going by what I saw. And if it were true, this isn't the majority of Republicans. This isn't our view of things, we aren't racist.
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Trump supporters have become the guerillas of voting.. No point debating or discussing their votes or opinions. Tired of been shouted down and name called.. The rabid intolerent militant left have over played their hand and are their own enemy..
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
@AbbeyRhode: @theoneyouwerewarnedabout: You mean there's a time when he wasn't like that?
@Xuan12. He was cool once. Perhaps one day he'll find his mojo again
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
@theoneyouwerewarnedabout: Nothing's changed with me. I've always despised racists. So you can tell Abbeyrhode from me (Because she didn't stop talking to me , she blocked me.) that it was entirely expected that her little masquerade of christian caring and compassion would quickly fall away once her true Messiah raised his ugly head. I had always wondered how it was that she could defend that racist piece of shit Kelly for so long. Well now I found out. So why don't you go post some more monkey pictures and then you can all have a good laugh together about it. There's nothing between any of you clearly.
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1961dave · 61-69, M
@satanburger: I really jusy can't understand. You're certainly right that they choose not to see. There is no rational explanation for how they act!
1961dave · 61-69, M
@satanburger: I bet she did, you bring up good logical points. She hates that!
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
The media never portrayed him to be anything other than what he is. He was condemned by his own words and actions.
1961dave · 61-69, M
@Loretta78: hillary's had the chance to prove what kind of a politician she is. She's horrible. I'm very confident that President Trump will do an impressive job!
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@1961dave: Yes. Trump will do an impressive job - that´s for sure! If this impressing job will be in a good way or in a bad way - this will show the future, as I said before.
And you are as free in your opinion about Hillary and who else as I am free in my opinion about Trump.
1961dave · 61-69, M
@Loretta78: His first Act will elp Americans financially. Pretty much everyone was screwed by Obamacare. It helped the people with pre-existing conditions who had a problem getting insurance. Most people just had to pay more for their insurance, and the rates go up often. My son can't afford insurance, what Obamacare has done for him is given him a fine for not being able to pay insurance. When taxes are due he has to pay an extra $900 . A penalty for not being able to afford expensive insurance is pretty messed up!
Media didn't portray anything. He said what he said.
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
lol ..... I didn't see your answer before I replied.
@pezzza: that's okay :) we both said what we saw :)
polysexminoh · 56-60, M
No, not taboo at all.

For me, if you take a person at their word, his statements and position on things spoke volumes. Nothing was contrived by the media, they provided "his own words" to the world.

If he ment them shocking and does not represent what America is, if he didn't mean them how sad for our future that you can not trust what he says.
AbbeyRhode · F
Not at all, it's sensible, reasonable, and the truth.
1961dave · 61-69, M
Liberals will attack you for that, even though he is not as the media portrays him. He will be an awesome president.
BlueDiver · 41-45, M
I honestly think that Hillary was more the "hidden ugliness" image-based sort of candidate - Trump weaves as much macro-level pretense as any of them, to a point, but at the same time he lacks the subtlety to really hide himself as much as most other politicians. But yeah - the liberal media distorts him just as much as the conservative media distorts liberal candidates.
Mguinm · 51-55, F
@BlueDiver hidden ugliness is right. She just puts on a good show. She wears a mask. I've done a lot of research into her character. Sad part is liberals are fooled by her. The media does distort much of what Trump says. I've seen it first hand. I'm not saying all of what he says is distorted, but I've seen many video clips that are twisted into something that it doesn't represent at all.
ladycae · 100+, F
the media only reported his words. they were not wrong. however it is possible that as guiliani said about the wall, it was a great way to get votes. so perhaps he will now not keep his campaign promises and ill have everyone pissed off at him. lol i hope he does a good job. it is his to succeed or fail at. however the 400 fraud lawsuits and the child rape case may cause his impeachment before he can actually get things going. everything remains to be seen.
LOL. Possibly..., only time will tell.
Hikingguy · 56-60, M
Just give the guy a chance. Joke like we did for obama. Twice
I don't like the things he said during the campaign, but he definitely earned some respect point with his speech.
The bar is so low that if he speaks without insulting someone he has done a good job.
I liked the whole "We are not Republicans first, we are not Democrats first we are Americans first" or however he said that.
Trump supporters and anti Trump people should really think about that instead of acting like children.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
As one-sided as the mass media was about the election I think it is true.
I'm gonna have to agree with you on this..
cycleman · 61-69, M
watch the bankers
1961dave · 61-69, M
The bankers don't know how giod of a president Trump will be
cycleman · 61-69, M
@1961dave: I take the banks are going to show more of an impact to individuals with what Trumps proceeds to do.
1961dave · 61-69, M
@cycleman: they won't know what's going on before us.
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
I think his fervent supporters are going to be upset.
Honestly , I doubt it ...but we will see
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
And the devil cried.

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