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My cousin just told me capitalism was so great, (while I have a more sinister theory about capitalism and why Karl Marx was right in some areas)

I told him if capitalism is so great why is that other third world countries that are capitalist not as developed like United States?
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novembermoon · 51-55
Third world countries entered the race late. And they did so on hugely unequal grounds. Many were previously colonies of western powers, stripped and exploited of all their natural resources.

When you come to the party late, you get the crumbs. Of course you look different from those in suits and ties and you are in tatters. What more, you also sound different trying to speak in their tongue. If they don't laugh at you, you'd better be thankful already.

"Did I hear you correctly- you said you want a piece of the pie too? God, you're greedy aren't you? And you give out too much gas. Please go clean the air around yourself before you come to OUR party."

The third world. That's how it is.
Cierzo · M
I see them as the two sides of the same coin. Both reduce man to a purely materialistic condition. In both of them property belongs to some privileged few (in the case of Marxism to just one, the state). Both are harmful.
InvaderNice · 26-30, M
Capitalists say capitalism is the best, not perfect. There are plenty of socialist and communist countries that are undeveloped and poor, too.
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
actually they are a few socialist countries
InvaderNice · 26-30, M
@PsychoMantis: Can you rephrase? I don't understand that.
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
@InvaderNice: There is only a few socialist countries,and a far from that I don't believe we are capitalist like define by Adam Smith.And I believe the vision Adam Smith trying to describe is illusion like communism. is just the western nations ripping off the third world and telling them bullshit stories about capitalism.
UltraViolet · 22-25, F
It's like Monopoly. Every now and then you have to restart the game.
There would be no sheering without sheep. Capitalism is the nature of commerce, but you will have winners and losers.
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
Actually I can see how capitalism fails in some countries but why people cling to socialism. I think western societies conducts business with other countries were the west has the leverage.
The USA will have it's turn under the whip. We are not like our grandparents were. We have become lazy and selfish, and we will run out of our parents wealth and no longer be able to benefit from their hard work...then we will be subject to other countries. It's already happening. They've been prepping young people for slavery and mediocrity in the education system for 50 years now. It's called progressivism.
novembermoon · 51-55
@puck61: Agree. The tide has turned. Be prepared for it. PISA and TIMMS and PIRLS are indications. Not many people will believe you when you tell them that. They will say - 'These are just stupid tests, and oh, don't measure us by those stupid educational standards'.

First world countries started the competition. Now be prepared to run with the rest who have caught up and have better runners. Good luck.
tenente · 100+, M
Re: third world countries that are capitalist not as developed like United States
Africa and the Mediterranean, for the most part, corrupt politicians made very shortsighted agreements with the USA that doomed them for generations. Central Europe was landlocked while superpowers with the best navies reaped the benefits of dominating the ocean trade routes. Civil war in south American precluded them from uniting and making economic progress.
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
Well we don't have capitalism, we have some sort of economic imperialism.

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