Do you suppose modern day empires wish they could cut loose their colonies and protectorates?
In 1950, the US was very concerned about communist expansion. But now? If Pyongyang took over the whole peninsula, what would the US lose? I'm not buying a Hyundai any time soon. I'd feel bad for the S. Koreans, but China would be less paranoid and the Kim regime would be a little less nasty. Not only that, but US foreign affairs would have one less headache. Same story for Taiwan.
I would also think Britain would love to be able to hand over the Falklands if only it wouldn't be such a huge blow to morale. I'll bet they'd also want Ireland to reunite and Bermundan independence to finally run its course.
I would also think Britain would love to be able to hand over the Falklands if only it wouldn't be such a huge blow to morale. I'll bet they'd also want Ireland to reunite and Bermundan independence to finally run its course.
51-55, M