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Do you suppose modern day empires wish they could cut loose their colonies and protectorates?

In 1950, the US was very concerned about communist expansion. But now? If Pyongyang took over the whole peninsula, what would the US lose? I'm not buying a Hyundai any time soon. I'd feel bad for the S. Koreans, but China would be less paranoid and the Kim regime would be a little less nasty. Not only that, but US foreign affairs would have one less headache. Same story for Taiwan.
I would also think Britain would love to be able to hand over the Falklands if only it wouldn't be such a huge blow to morale. I'll bet they'd also want Ireland to reunite and Bermundan independence to finally run its course.
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Waytodawn · 26-30, M
America wants to prevent the expansion of two communist dictatorships by protecting both South Korea and Taiwan. And your argument of 'they would be nicer' no, they would find a new target to annex and go after that, that's how dictatorships behave and have done for a century.
The UK has given independence to over 63 countries since the end of the second world war and all remaining overseas territories are free to have independence referendums, none of them want independence. Northern Ireland wants to be part of the uk whilst the republic of ireland doesnt. And the population of the Falklands islands want to be part of the UK and not part of Argentina, mostly because the islands were uninhabited until British settlers settled the islands.
@Waytodawn I'm afraid your information about communism is 40 years out-of-date. Communism couldn't expand if all the free world went full on pacifist. And I'm aware of the moods in all these other places, but I think Washington and London are saying a lot of "wouldn't it be great if..."
Waytodawn · 26-30, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP I'd reccomend you go on YouTube and watch the video Trumps biggest failure by Kraut on YouTube,it will show you just how much power China has and how it is spreading. I dont understand your comment of 'wouldn't it be great if'
@Waytodawn oh I don't doubt China's power for a second. What I very much doubt is their communism.
What I'm saying is that these empires wish there was a face-saving way they could get out of supporting these places that return too little. But if they just do that without pretext, no one will ever trust them. A scenario they might hope for is something like Bermuda having an independence referendum which overwhelmingly favours going their own way. I'm realistic about the possibility, but I'm sure London can't help but dream.
Frank52 · 70-79, M
if all the free world went full on pacifist

I used to dream that. It is naive. Proof? Just read some of the posts on here and look at how populism is sweeping the globe. I'm against colonisation, but if countries/regions want mutual cooperation and protection, why not?

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