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Strap In For The Next Virus Phase!

Signs are pointing to the coming end of the virus crisis.
They're already talking about when and how to return to normalcy.
The dems of course are in a perpetual stage of rage,
And panicking over yet another Trump victory.
Trump did everything right and while we lost lives,
There are far fewer than dooms day dems originally predicted.

So, now what?
They can't, they won't allow this crisis end without spewing
More anger, making up more lies, predicting more doom.

We know some moves toward normal life are on the horizon.
Maybe they'll just open the doors of isolation and let us all out, all at once.
Maybe, they'll reopen in in stages. You know, let younger, healthier people out first - leaving older folks in quarantine for a while longer.
Maybe they'll let certain work groups out first.
Maybe, they'll decide to keep us all locked up a while longer - just to be safe.

I predict, WHATEVER Trump says - the dems will screech and wail that he is wrong - that he's targeting races, economic groups, favoring big business, blah, blah blah.

So, the question is, what do you think the upcoming return to normalcy will look like? When the invisible enemy is declared 'defeated', what will the dems complain about?

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How are we supposed to “reopen America” when the virus hasn’t peaked yet? Also, Twitler didn’t “close”America, so he can’t “open” it either. People will go back to their prior activities when they feel safe doing so. Just saying everything is OK doesn’t mean anything to anyone who isn’t a cult member.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Trump didn’t “close”America, so he can’t “open” it either.

Gosh - it sure looked like Trump!
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
No one has said everything is ok or that it’s time to “go back to normal”. Everything hoped we go back to normal and the virus is controlled. Sure you hear negative spins on CNN but it doesn’t mean you have to believe them. Governors are the people who create, modify and change restriction. As of today, governors are only increasing restrictions. Name calling isn’t helping anything. We are all in this together Hazel and people who really care about their fellow US citizens have put a moratorium on politics. Those who have not will be remembered and there may we’ll be consequences when theire is an election. I know you can be better than this Hazel. Please give it a try beginning today. @LeopoldBloom @LeopoldBloom
@jackjjackson Please stop sucking Trump's dick. He fucked this up royally and the needless deaths and massive unemployment are on him. If it wasn't for the various governors stepping into the leadership vacuum, we'd be in even worse shape. The time to stop a pandemic is at the beginning. The longer you wait, the more drastic the measures have to be. A resurgence in the infection rate isn't going to be good for the economy, either.
@Budwick If Trump "closed America," why are there several states without lockdown measures? He didn't do shit and he's still not doing shit, other than running his mouth off and making believe he's a dictator, while the people in charge basically ignore him. But at least he puts on a nice show for you people.
Budwick · 70-79, M
If Trump "closed America,"
Are you totally unaware of how this works?
Or, is it just convenient when you want to spin shit?
@Budwick So you think Trump is a dictator who can open and close the economy at will? Read the Constitution; we live in a federal republic, and the state governors do not work for the president. What is he going to do, send the 82nd Airborne in to forcibly open shopping malls? Or just run his mouth off?

The president's job is to coordinate efforts between states while encouraging a sense of unity. Trump has failed on both counts. The governors in the various regions of the country are coordinating with each other on their own, and the recent demonstrations show that there is zero sense of unity even among Trump's followers. People aren't willing to sacrifice for the greater good, they just want what's best for themselves, because no one trusts the government.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Why are you whining. The President’s task force controlled by physicians and scientists set forth et a suggested general framework and the governors have taken it from there. The issue we face is that as long as there is no effective vaccine there will be prioric and perhaps co tent outbreaks at different locations. This is the decision the governors who if they loosen the reigns too much too soon (sipped through the Fauci -hades) too fast will I crease the number of outbreaks. @LeopoldBloom
Budwick · 70-79, M
So you think Trump is a dictator who can open and close the economy at will?

Are you so stupid not to know that if he hadn't, you would be bitching about that?
@Budwick And I get that you worship him as the Second Coming of Christ (or maybe the First Coming, who knows), so he is therefore incapable of error and whatever he does is automatically correct, just because he is doing it. This is the definition of a cult.

Trump's job isn't to open or close the economy. He should be directing a national effort by coordinating supplies and working with the governors to send resources where they are needed most. He should also be reassuring the public that sacrifice is necessary. He's unwilling to do the first and incapable of doing the latter - unless, of course, you're a cult member, in which case he's doing a perfect job, the best job that could possibly be done by anybody.
@jackjjackson Correct, it will be up to the governors and not Twitler.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
There’s no need to be snarky. We’ll having intelligent discourse. @LeopoldBloom
Budwick · 70-79, M
Trump's job isn't to open or close the economy. He should be directing a national effort by coordinating supplies and working with the governors to send resources where they are needed most. He should also be reassuring the public that sacrifice is necessary.

President Trump has done ALL of that and more!
We are so fortunate to have Trump as our President.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
[image deleted]
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Harriet03 Fascinating. I want normalcy too!
And, I'm not even dead!
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@Budwick Stay that way, stay home?!
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Harriet03 For the time being, I plan to stay home as much as possible.

Look, I understand communists frustration with Trump. It's like he's pulled your pants down on the public square - exposing the ugliness of leftist thinking like communism. The jig is up Harriet. Communism is toast - maybe for generations to come, if we're lucky. Trump was just the first world leader strong enough to pull the curtain back. Your memes are not effective in any other way than to expose your radical communist nature. Everyone knows - even you, that while virus deaths are bad, it could have n=been so much worse with out Trump's strong leadership.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@Budwick WTF has communism got to do with anything? Nobody mentioned communism, accept for a couple of your idiot redneck cult members!
[image deleted]
Stopping the spread, has got to be top priority surely?!
Budwick · 70-79, M
WTF has communism got to do with anything?

It has to do with you and your motivation.

Stopping the spread, has got to be top priority

Of course it's a priority. That's why careful reopening is what is being planned.

Maybe you're like Pelosi with a gigantic $24,000 freezer stocked with food. 99% of the rest of us are not. We've already burned through savings and are not willing to lose everything we've worked hard for all our lives. We're willing to take what seems to be a minimal risk to work, to ease back into normal.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Fortunately Harriet and I co blocked each other around a year ago. It’s been good for my mental health and a huge time saver 😳 @Budwick
Budwick · 70-79, M
@jackjjackson But you can apparently see my replies to her.
That's not fair!

Especially with you and I being the same person and all! LOL
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
I just saw that you outwitted her in one of your interactions where as always you outsmarted her. @Budwick
Budwick · 70-79, M
where you outsmarted her

Well, Mrs. Budwick doesn't like if I tease the dogs.
Jamming it back up Harriet's ass sideways I've found is even more entertaining than pretending to throw a ball for 'Fluffy'.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
[image deleted]
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Harriet03 Re-tread meme.

Like some guy is gonna cry over you!
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@Budwick Meme?! 🤷‍♀️