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Strap In For The Next Virus Phase!

Signs are pointing to the coming end of the virus crisis.
They're already talking about when and how to return to normalcy.
The dems of course are in a perpetual stage of rage,
And panicking over yet another Trump victory.
Trump did everything right and while we lost lives,
There are far fewer than dooms day dems originally predicted.

So, now what?
They can't, they won't allow this crisis end without spewing
More anger, making up more lies, predicting more doom.

We know some moves toward normal life are on the horizon.
Maybe they'll just open the doors of isolation and let us all out, all at once.
Maybe, they'll reopen in in stages. You know, let younger, healthier people out first - leaving older folks in quarantine for a while longer.
Maybe they'll let certain work groups out first.
Maybe, they'll decide to keep us all locked up a while longer - just to be safe.

I predict, WHATEVER Trump says - the dems will screech and wail that he is wrong - that he's targeting races, economic groups, favoring big business, blah, blah blah.

So, the question is, what do you think the upcoming return to normalcy will look like? When the invisible enemy is declared 'defeated', what will the dems complain about?

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Trump must be so proud of you and your blind support. Just how much of our taxpayer money is he paying you budwick?
Budwick · 70-79, M
Trump must be so proud of you

But, I am part of the taxpayers. I pay INTO the system.
@independentone trump is a jackass the moron thought all this would be over by easter yet more Americans are dying by the day although I do agree that he had the right idea trying to get things back to normal due to the economy but it's simply not going to happen
Budwick · 70-79, M
the right idea trying to get things back to normal due to the economy but it's simply not going to happen

That's the spirit Experience!

When this blows over, consider becoming a motivational speaker!
@Budwick Why is it you were so outraged over 4 dead in Benghazi, yet you couldn't care less about 16,000 dead Americans from this pandemic?
Budwick · 70-79, M
@independentone The Benghazi deaths were the result of total inaction on the part of Obama, Hillary, etc.

How can I be outraged at a virus?
@Budwick 16,000 dead partially due to the President's slow reaction and failure to provide any leadership.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@independentone There are no partially dead people of course.
And, thanks to Trump being on top of things, even while the dems were impeaching him, Trump saved untold numbers of lives.
dommagic · M
Normally I could care less about your ramblings but Trump saved? No the doctors and nurses who ran the risk of catching it and still kept working they’re the heroes@Budwick
Budwick · 70-79, M
Normally I could care less about your ramblings

thank you so much for making an exception.

I'm sorry if you were misled. I did not mean to imply that the President took time to administer to the sick people. I though it would be obvious that doing that would be a total misuse of his abilities. Especially, with all the great, talented people on the front lines working so hard!

No, I was referring primarily to his early decision to instate travel bans from China. Other countries delayed - to their peril.

Does that help?
Now, you can return to your regular programming!
@Budwick I certainly don't blame Trump for this pandemic, but I have found him to be slow to react to it. To be honest, I don't envy him one bit, if he acts to save lives, the virus may be around much longer than need be, if he opts to get the economy going again, people will die. Either way, Trump will have to answer for his actions.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Either way, Trump will have to answer for his actions.

Golly whiz - I don't think anyone else has thought of that at all!