It's all rubbish.
In what way has being IN the bloody thing given either you or I any advantage ?
Seriously !
Are we paying LESS for our mortgages ?
Have food prices dropped to any significant levels ?
Are our elderly folk better housed; fed; medicated; living better because we're IN the E:U. ?
Are our retirees living as well as their predecessors ?
Do we pay cheaper prices for ANYTHING here at home ? And before you even THINK about that. Check out the cost of buying a little two door Fiesta in Belgium, then figure out why we pay MORE for the same car made HERE !!!!!
If this country had spent a little more time looking after it's own rather than being desperate to join the France/Germany show, if ANY of our governments over the last twenty years had done their homework on future costs with regard to pensions, healthcare, housing, killing nationalised industry,etc how much better off would your children be today ???
The current thinking for Europe is fine.
PROVIDED you have bloody great car plants that employ MILLIONS.
Which of course, we don't.!
It's fine if you produce your own energy.
Which of course, we don't !
And our contribution to the European ideal ?.....Take your time, I'll wait !
Oh yes ! We were the fifth largest contributor to the E:U budget !!!!
Too many years of Thatcher government killed this countries industry long before the creation of the E:U.
Labours stupidity during the 80's making them unelectable killed this country long before the E:U.
And now we're watching it all happen again !