Good question. Some already do worship him, but there still seems to be a small bit of tension between the first and second comings.
Who knows, to though. It took awhile for Jesus to catch on, and even Joseph Smith took years.
Who knows, to though. It took awhile for Jesus to catch on, and even Joseph Smith took years.
Carla · 61-69, F
Most of the base is made up of the cult. So I reckon most of them.
But really, has not that already happened?
But really, has not that already happened?
windinhishair · 61-69, M
He already does. And they already do.
He does have a following, but he's not the type to start a religion. If you've noticed, you don't see news coverage of him attending any religious services as was the case with other previous presidents.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
fancyboy · 61-69, M
Hahaha! "Starts a religion" - !
Why don't you go get a little fresh air? You obviously need a break........
Why don't you go get a little fresh air? You obviously need a break........
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
A head count would confuse the Q anon idiots.