I Feel the Need To Post This....
In light of ALL the "Baby Trump" bullshit, anti-Trump posts, general craziness for the last 3 years; i voted for Obama in '08, wanting and hoping for change, the change that PRESIDENT Trump has brought and keeps trying to bring; now i realize, this will bring all the creepy, crazy crawlers out in force, but i had to say it; yes yes, "oh, racist change, xenophobic change, orange change, giving your buddy a medal change, "ignoring Corona change, fill in the blanks, etc etc; have at it, but i haven't felt better about our leader since i was a child, [Reagan era] flags flying, a man who will stand up for OUR country, a leader who isn't afraid to piss off everyone to do what's right, someone who actually isn't a politician doing what actually might be good for OUR United States of America,, -----> mic drop,,