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I Feel the Need To Post This....

In light of ALL the "Baby Trump" bullshit, anti-Trump posts, general craziness for the last 3 years; i voted for Obama in '08, wanting and hoping for change, the change that PRESIDENT Trump has brought and keeps trying to bring; now i realize, this will bring all the creepy, crazy crawlers out in force, but i had to say it; yes yes, "oh, racist change, xenophobic change, orange change, giving your buddy a medal change, "ignoring Corona change, fill in the blanks, etc etc; have at it, but i haven't felt better about our leader since i was a child, [Reagan era] flags flying, a man who will stand up for OUR country, a leader who isn't afraid to piss off everyone to do what's right, someone who actually isn't a politician doing what actually might be good for OUR United States of America,, -----> mic drop,,
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Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M Best Comment
It's time we stopped apologizing for being Americans
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@silkandlace Those are seriously just talking points lmao. They're not even remotely based in reality.

For example food stamps. Use of food stamps went up in '08, peaked in '13, and has been declining ever since in a fairly linear fashion. That's just the recession and recovery.

Look at that graph and see how dramatic you're being. And somehow I doubt that you think that the 20-something billion dollars we paid to farmers over the last year was such a terrible idea.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@silkandlace undocumented immigrants have more rights than citizens? Okay. Pretend to be undocumented for a day and get a job as a day labourer. Then tell me if you think the same.

They actually worked to get into America. You just happened to come out of a vagina in America.

I wish I could heart this post a million times. I'd say Reagan is applauding our president from the grave. I've always called him a modern day version, which pisses off many on the left, but the right gets it. Trump 2020!❤️
silkandlace · 46-50, M
@SW-User thank you
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
For the longest time I actually thought you were one of the few reasonable and intelligent users here
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@monte3 She is smart, too.
monte3 · 70-79, M
And being a duck she will crap on your magazine bag, which come to think of it would be a sign of intelligence. 😊@sunsporter1649
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@monte3 She is on my krill, and helps me select which lure to use next.
abe182 · 51-55, M
silkandlace · 46-50, M
@abe182 thank you,
Graylight · 51-55, F
Ask any analyst in DC and he'll tell you Reagan would detest Trump and his politics.

Trump has rolled back environmental regulations, pillaging pristine land for the sake of greed. He has violated the tenets of the US presidency and clauses in the Constitution since Day One in office. He has acted badly enough to be impeached, only the 3rd time in US history. He has put children in cages and cried he has no choice. He has vocally implied other groups are subhuman. Every one of his edicts have limited the rights and freedoms of others. He's an abject idiot and a practiced liar.

OUR United States of America is fine, and if it's in trouble at all, it's the responsibility of us citizens for putting it that position and for rescuing it. We need nationalism and military might like a bird needs a snorkel. We're just fine, always have been, and will be again. But it won't be because of this despotic would-be emperor.

"ignoring Corona change, fill in the blanks, etc etc;

Kind of a big deal, by the way. Ignoring global health crises rarely results in street parades.
Northwest · M
Do you feel better now? I'll give Trump credit for one thing: he certainly knows how to blow your dog whistle.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Most excellent
Hikingguy · 56-60, M
Yell it from the mountain tops!👍🏽
Interesting post. Trumpism really does seem to be an anti-intellectual gut feeling kind of thing a lot of the time.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@MistyCee If I wanted an anti-intellectual gut feeling I would go to the demoncraps. They only deal in feelings and are a fact free kind of people.
@hippyjoe1955 that's more how I feel about Sanders than the entire Democratic party, tbh.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@MistyCee Biden married his sister. According to Biden. Warren thought she was native. Bloomberg just disproved the Russia theory. Bernie is insane but somehow Trump is the bad guy and not to be trusted. Despite all his accomplishments including his response to corona virus. Here in canada democrat branch party is letting people in from Iran and China without screening. As a result we have twice as many cases as the US with a tenth of the population. Demoncraps are a anti intellectual fact free gut feeling kind of clown party.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
The naivete is almost adorable.
silkandlace · 46-50, M
@QuixoticSoul i've read through all your replies, and i respect all you've said; but i've watched things slowly shift through the Obama's administration, i listen to what the Democrats say, and while you make excellent points i can't agree with them all; i'll leave it there because i don't have facts and charts to go toe to toe with you, i wrote what i wrote from the heart and i truly get disgusted with the behavior of the Left; if it's truly as you say, why the behaviors day in and day out since January 20, 2017? Why would we not work together for the better of the country, i have not seen that, and i don't think anyone can truly say they have.....thank you, i'm just stating my opinion, no disrespect intended
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@silkandlace Its ok, don quixote is still having his three year temper tantrum over losing the election, despite their getting caught attempting to rig it
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@sunsporter1649 Right, that old chestnut lmao - when in reality I spent the last three years gleefully dunking on idiots, and every day has been more entertaining than the last. These things are always win/win for people like me.
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