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Last night debate? or food fight?

Or just plain DISGRACE! They acted like rabid dogs attacking each other. At one point 3 of them attacked Bloomberg & altho the rules say he should have been given time to respond the moderators ignored his raised had to speak! Disgraceful !!
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nedkelly · 61-69, M
And when they have NO RESPECT for one another, how can anyone elected them
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@NigelDoes a FAIR JOB under difficult times, massive fires and floods everywhere
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
@nedkelly we have bad wildfires are in California too but I can't wrap my brain around how horrible and extensive the wildfires you lot have had there.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@NigelDoes Yes the fires were bad in California, and the fires down under were bad - take care
Montanaman · M
🙋☝️The smarter plan, would to come together as a party, discuss differences, but endorse each other, and stand together against Trump. But I guess the everessence of becoming President, the lust for power, is just too great😒
Montanaman · M
@nedkelly agreed.😒
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Montanaman · M
@Spoiledbrat I refuse to let political or religious beliefs affect my friendship, on here, FB or irl.🤗🥰🤗
ron122 · 41-45, M
It's kind of funny watching them act like this. Fighting and name calling each other. How could anyone in their right mind vote for any of these people
redredred · M
Thats why none of them should hold any office anywhere ever again.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I personally have no political heroes, not a one. But, if I had to pick, it wouldn't be any of those clowns.

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