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Am I the only one who feels like the US debt doesn’t even matter anymore?

Everybody knows that shit isn’t getting paid off
Northwest · M
Everybody knows that shit isn’t getting paid off

This is really not the case. We are paying for it, as in our taxes go toward paying down the federal debt, instead of programs that benefit us.
@Northwest That and another big problem for the US is the people they chose to be in debt to.
You’re not the only one

The only ones that don’t give a shit about the debt because they’ll never have to help pay it off, are politicians
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
The UK built its entire empire on debt and has never been out of debt.
Jj2k00 · F
I think they’re banking on a nuclear war that would eventually eliminate all debt @CountScrofula
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Jj2k00 Or more importantly... you don't ever have to pay off the debt.

Countries primarily borrow money from -themselves-.
jackson55 · M
The US got stated on what would have been $240.00 and that was borrowed. Nothing has changed.
I'm just glad I didn't cosign.
Jj2k00 · F
I think we all did @Mamapolo2016
@Jj2k00 If they squeezed me for every drop of financial blood, at this moment in time, they'd get $4.02. And they are welcome to it if it helps.
It really only matters for economic warfare.
Shaun · 26-30, M
Quantitative easing keeps the debt indefinite.
Jj2k00 · F
Aren’t the long term effects still unknown @Shaun
Shaun · 26-30, M
@Jj2k00 I honestly don’t know enough about this subject to give you a good answer
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
All I know is I don't want to hear republicans complaining about the national debt anymore.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@Jj2k00 The excuse they used to say no to practically everything Obama wanted was because of the deficit and the national debt. Now that they are in charge they cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy while raising military spending, essentially doubling the deficit from what it was at the end of the last administration.

In short, they only care about it when it is politically convenient to do so.
Jj2k00 · F
If trump gets re-elected is he on pace to pass Obama for dollar-amount added to the debt? @ViciDraco
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@Jj2k00 Don't know, depends on how long the economy holds up. Obama's numbers started super high because that is what he inherited. But they were brought down over time. Trump is trending in the other direction, the big difference is that his numbers are high and we're supposedly in a good economy. If we hit a recession, the spike might be devastating.

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