He is a garbage human being. Has nothing to do with politics at all. Never liked him and many of his tenants don't either.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Anyone who says the things he had said is a sad human being. As a president, it just gets worse.. Whatever in the hell were you guys thinking?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I have never met the man so I can't really say whether I like him or not. I do like his policies and his vision for the US and would hope and wish that we had similar vision and policy here in Canada. The world would be a better place if more nations followed Trump's example.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ozgirl512 Occams razor says you are a political idiot.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@hippyjoe1955 ;)
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
I hate him, but I blame the rest of the GOP for constantly enabling his
Hateful agenda. So I hate the right wing GOP senators as much maybe more than I hate Trump,
Hateful agenda. So I hate the right wing GOP senators as much maybe more than I hate Trump,
DDonde · 31-35, M
He is the Dunning–Kruger effect personified.
softspokenman · M
@DDonde 👍️
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
He's repulsive.
Now, how many of you are illegals?
Downthestreetkid · 22-25, M
@TheeOriginalAmazingsEXLover hahaha
I demand an bipartisan recount of all vote that have been cast thus far!
I demand an bipartisan recount of all vote that have been cast thus far!
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softspokenman · M
@Downthestreetkid We can tell by looking at his "invisible" income taxes, because he is "THE Most transparent president ever", that he's a multibillionaire and the greatest business man ever, but had to use money from his own 'Charity Foundation'(?) to buy a life size painting of, guess who, Himself, ($2 million fine). And his family had to attend "How to use charity money classes" because of their involvement. He's a pathological misuser of the truth. 🙄
snofan · M
@MagnifiqueGirl You just keep that blindfold on girl.
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Justiceforall · M
From the time he made fun of autistic people I haven't like him period, then the lies he gets caught in didn't help to curb my thinking of him. Then he has to repeat repeat repeat every thing a dozen times like he's trying to convince you he's not lying, honestly I didn't care much for him before that but I could tolerate him at least but not anymore, that's why I don't like him
My opinion of course
My opinion of course
foggymorning31 · 36-40, F
love him best president ever
Piper · 61-69, F
No. He is the kind of person I've always disliked. He's always been very spiteful, he has always been the kind of self-aggrandizing that is clearly delusional, and he is 'insincere' with his gushing praise of others...when he thinks it benefits him somehow.
Short-list..but it's 'late'.
Short-list..but it's 'late'.
It's remarkable, how the females and the pansy ass males stand against thee PRESIDENT, you remember what oDUMBER said about this don't you?
Then you have the real men that carry their family jewels with pride, that support the United States of AMERICA's PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP!
It's remarkable, how the females and the pansy ass males stand against thee PRESIDENT, you remember what oDUMBER said about this don't you?
Then you have the real men that carry their family jewels with pride, that support the United States of AMERICA's PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP!
I'd like him better if he wasn't President
WalksWith · 56-60, F
Peapod · 61-69, F
He's everything that I find despicable in a man.
I have never felt that totally negative towards a president in all my life.
I have never felt that totally negative towards a president in all my life.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Yes, I think he is a very good President.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Not the greatest thing to happen to America but one of the better ones, he is the light that flipped on in the hearts of people and flushed all the cockroaches out into the open. Maybe now you'll all see the world I see, you're all quite disgusting and it's time you showed it.
Miram · 31-35, F
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
You don’t KNOW me bruh!
He's a dirtbag.
Dave1955 · 61-69, M
He is a RAPIST a LIER and MENTALLY UNSTABLE. He is RACIST and he is THICK AS PIGSHIT most of all he is DANGEROUS writing threating tweets about witness testifying against him while they were in COURT! He is a BULLY and CORRUPT using his position FOR HIS OWN PERSONAL GAIN! AMERICA NEEDS TO SCRAP THE SMUG GIT OF OFF ITS SHOE
softspokenman · M
@foggymorning31 Do you mean like the Hush money Trump paid to Stormy Daniels and then lied to a News Reporter saying NO when he was asked if he knew about it ?
foggymorning31 · 36-40, F
@softspokenman and you believe a pornstar. and if he slept with her seeing as she was a professional hooker than ahe couldn't been raped. also to many times in recent years is this occurred Democrats cant win an election the honest way they pull some sluts out the air that cry but he raped me 30 years ago
softspokenman · M
@foggymorning31 Put a sock in it, the guy leaves a sticky trail of slime on the ground like something that just oozed up out of a muck filled, land before time, pit. And I'm being polite.
bijouxbroussard · F
No, I despise him. He’s a racist, misogynist, narcissist and basically an all-around corrupt scumbag.