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I love Tulsi Gabbard, don't you?

Not only is she hot, smart, sexy, brace, and poised. But sheis sensible and down to earth and takes no Bullshit. She is the sort of Democrat that can take votes from The Don in 2020.

But it is unlikely that she will get up as the crybaby lefties and woke sooks in the DNC just want play the games called "I am more woke than you" ot "Let's kiss Hillary Clinton's bun".

Tusli Gabbard is good material.


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PatKirby · M
Here's my favorite, in the second democratic debates where Tulsi let's Kamala have it. The crowd response says it all.

Oster1 · M
@PatKirby Agreed but I want true substance to stand behind her.

Anyone who looks that great on a surf board, has served her country with honor, should be on the the right side, for her benefit as well as ours!😊
PatKirby · M
Got that Right!
Oster1 · M
@PatKirby Hahahaha! Touché!😊
BlueVeins · 22-25
Tulsi is okay. She's very strong on war, which is nice -- no more silly campaigns against desert dictators. Her position on healthcare is weaker and less consistent. She beats Biden, Buttigeige, or Klobuchar any day, but she's no Bernie Sanders.
GrayManOZ · 46-50, M
@BlueVeins Politicians have to be pragmatic, balance reality with ideology.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@GrayManOZ Worked out real well for 'er, didn't it?
BlueVeins · 22-25
@GrayManOZ Worked out real well for 'er, didn't it?
I guess that present stunt and the Fox appearances are an attempt some kind of long term strategy, but she's toxic to Democrats now, even without Hillary.

I'm dissappointed, because I liked her, but also a little relieved that she revealed herself.
@MistyCee She’s an anti-LGBT religious bigot. If she’d been the nominee, I wouldn’t have voted.
@LeopoldBloom That's my takeaway after the reveal.
Pfuzylogic · M
She should go republican as she acts.
No other democrat voted “present” during the impeachment of nimrod.
GrayManOZ · 46-50, M
@Pfuzylogic Being Close to the center does not make one Alt-Right (what ever that means today). Also being smart, tactically and strategically savvy is a thing you want in a Politician. The Impeachment Stunt, and that is what it was, was doomed from the start. She has plans for health care, Jobs and Education, and good ideas on how to pay for it. If you want good Socialist programs, you do have to fund them or go broke. Seriously, if the Democrats want to be taken seriously, they need some one like TG to take the Centre right votes away from the Republicans. They can't win unless they do. Many Republicans totally disagree with her, but they respect her. How many Dem candidates can you say that about?
Pfuzylogic · M
It is absurd to take advice from an Aussie on American politics. Maybe take care of your own country?
GrayManOZ · 46-50, M
@Pfuzylogic We are just as Crazy, and we follow what ever happens in the States, you could even say Copy. But Politics is a Spectator sport. you can watch it any where LOL. You would be surprised at how much of our Prime News time is on US Politics. And, please, don't think I am giving advice, I'm just kicking ideas around.
Hoping for a bernie tulsi ticket
GrayManOZ · 46-50, M
@SW-User that would be interesting , Joe Rogan said something similar. But I don't know. Bernie is very left, how much common ground do you think they have?

I know TG supported Bernie, much to the ire of "Crooked Hillary."
@GrayManOZ if she were more left economically it would be perfect. She could be the leFt leaning foreign policy that bernie needs. However i think bernie is capable of choosing warren over her, even after what she did. sigh
GrayManOZ · 46-50, M
@SW-User hehehe yes the I am Indian, no wait, I not Indian, my bad, just an honest mistake. or My kids went to Public school......on and excursion to see how the other half lives, or I am Republican, no wait......I am a Democrat now
The reason she’ll take votes from Trump is because only conservatives like her.

I don’t trust her as far as I could throw her. She’s never come clean on that homophobic cult she belongs to. She’s leaving Congress before she loses her next election. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to see her in her next gig as a Fox News commentator.
She was raised in a hysterically ant-gay cult that broke away from the Hare Krishnas. Her last act in Congress was to propose an anti-trans bill. Screw her. She can run as Mike Pence’s VP in 2024 if she wants. But by then she’ll be making bank as a Fox News commentator.

I’ve noticed that the only people who like her are conservative Republican men, probably because she looks good in a bathing suit.
Oster1 · M
On a biological attractiveness level, she is beautiful but it’s her accomplishments that truly matter. I’m not a Republican!😊@LeopoldBloom
@Oster1 Her accomplishments are negative and destructive. I’m glad she’s not in politics anymore and won’t be able to harm innocent people.

You may not be a Republican, but you’re a Trump supporter, right? Proves my point.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
You mean to tell me the cry baby who is trying to sue Hillary Clinton for repeating the news that everyone already knew is a good person?

Ha. Ok
GrayManOZ · 46-50, M
@JaggedLittlePill yep that one, the one that is a war veteran, a martial artist, and underdog fighting a corrupt establishment that has security clearances above anything most will ever have. That cry-baby, not the cry-baby who facilitated her husbands predations on young women, who is corrupt, who laughs at Sending a country into the dark ages and makes all the 3rd world countries distrust the USA who cried coz she lost the unlosable election to a boar of a man and considers half the population to be deplorables and is so elitist that she thinks her shit doesn't sting.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@GrayManOZ blah blah blah. Dude.

Go find yourself a kettle bell and use it. Make yourself useful instead of being on this site posting utter bullshit.
GrayManOZ · 46-50, M
@JaggedLittlePill Yes, typical , can't fault the facts, so attack the person instead LOL

Gotta love the Stupid Left, you are all so Predicable.

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