I Like Politics

Dear Leader, the Commissar Corbynov has turned the election to the non issue of broadband, by pledging he will introduce free broadband to all. I'm assuming this is the same as pledging to write off all student debt in 2017, which they later renegaded on? (Remind me, which party introduced university fees again in 1998 🤔)
Anyway, the Corbynated Chicken estimates it will cost £20billion. BT say it will cost £100billion. Let's split the difference and say £60billion. Let's say there are 60million adults in the UK, then that means the initial cost would be £1000 per person for FREE broadband.
Not to mention the continued free movement, which for a party which supposedly fights for the rights of the working man, woman and non binary gender fluid others, is hypocrisy of the highest order - increased population, increased competition, suppressing wages and standards. And that's without starting on their stance on Brexit which is more confusing than trying to understand why cats randomly sprint around the house at 3am!
If there are any semi intelligent and literate lefties out there who can explain this logic, please lighten me! I know that is a contradiction in terms, but I'm trying to be inclusive...