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If Beto were to become president

Would you willingly turn in your Ar 15
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Don't have one, but if I did, no. I don't believe that's the answer to the gun violence problem.
Social programs, mental health, treatment... let's maybe help make it easier for our country's gun owners get the help they need when they need it.

I don't believe guns will go away with laws banning them, the violent minded people will still find a way to obtain on the black market. If they don't have guns they'll find other ways to hurt and mame.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@Starcrossed But also less. Black market tends to price guns out of reach of common criminals.

A handgun goes for like $25k in Sydney. In their funny money anyway.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@puck61 I'm mostly a leftist.
@Starcrossed A leftist would not acknowledge that the so called "gun problem" is a behavioral and mental health problem. Of course, if you want to call yourself a "leftist" that's your prerogative. I have nothing against 'old school' liberals. This country owes a debt of gratitude to 'old school' liberals. I just haven't seen very many around lately.
If Bet0 becomes president, I would be sure to acquire one and have it immediately re-configured for automatic fire.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
I seem to have heard Beto's platform before somewhere...

"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"
  —Joseph Stalin
@Thinkerbell I don’t think his idea would really work sounds good but in reality not
joe438 · 61-69, M
it won't happen, but no. If they insisted strongly they'd have to settle for the ammunition- but they'd have to catch the bullets as they went rapidly in their direction.
JessJessYay · 31-35, F
@Sicarium there’s no bad faith. I was actually helping the guy out. Because his argument is irrelevant to the broader argument. The case for self preservation is not a serious one made in defense or opposition to gun control. The underlying argument that I always hear is one of arming yourself to fight a tyrannical, overreaching government.
So in that regard, what’s the limit or what I as a civilian can own? What about bari I s bombs? Missiles? Or how about chemical weaponry?
Sicarium · 46-50, M
there’s no bad faith.


I was actually helping the guy out.

Condescending. Bad faith.

The case for self preservation is not a serious one made in defense or opposition to gun control.

False. Bad faith, unless you're just completely unaware of what people argue.

The underlying argument that I always hear is one of arming yourself to fight a tyrannical, overreaching government.

That's one. Maybe if you stopped twisting what everyone said and listened for once you'd hear the other arguments. But you won't, because acting in bad faith is easier.

So in that regard, what’s the limit or what I as a civilian can own? What about bari I s bombs? Missiles? Or how about chemical weaponry?

You can make your own bombs and chemical weapons if that's what you're into. Not sure why you think equating guns to chemical weapons makes you right, but, we're back to bad faith now.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@joe438 Anyone who's proclaiming their powerful desire to die over AR-15s, should have already been killed over restrictions of artillery, full-auto, MLRS, attack aircraft, and every other actually good weapon.

If the feds come for their AR-15s, they'll pass them over meekly with tails between their legs, and then swear terrible vengeance if anyone comes for their Mini-14s.

If I want to stop a drugged thief in my house I can do it without a tank.
I can do it just fine with a fist. I'd rather do it in a tank. Shit seems fun.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
Of course not.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@JessJessYay Well, we can add hypocrite to the growing list of your negative displayed attributes. Go back and read the comments again, tell me who resorted to ad hominems first.

Don't whine when you get your own attitude back. Stop being a shitty person and just be honest instead. It's not that difficult.
JessJessYay · 31-35, F
@Sicarium ahh but now you’re assuming I’m whining when in fact you are the one who is apparently butt hurt over name calling and ad hominem. I said nothing about them, until you brought it up. You can’t be a hypocrite when you never complained about the act the begin with 😂
I don’t rely on old tropes of offense and deflection. You can call me a shitty hypocrite until you run out of oxygen, doesn’t bother me. But YOU seem to have an issue with it. And then you assumed I did as well.
Just like you’re assuming I’m whining, when it’s just you creating this in your own head to make yourself think you’ve made a valid argument.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@JessJessYay Cool story.
That simp will never become president 😂that’s laughable. But if that cold day in hell comes upon us no, im not handing over shit.
@SW-User me neither
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Beto went straight to the 1% club after his little outburst. Why even bother with this fanciful what if?
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NativeOregonian · 51-55
I don't own a firearm, let alone a civilian allowed main battle rifle or military style sidearm. But even if I did, I would not turn it in.
@NativeOregonian neither would i
at this point, i dont think there is much to worry about...... what is he now ?? 12th or something like that. LOL
@YourMomsSecretCrush something like that he’s an idiot
raysam363 · 31-35, F
The day he becomes president is the day when the old gods rise from the sunken city and the sun explodes.
@raysam363 😂
Fungirlvape · 61-69, F
I don’t have one, but I’d help Beto confiscate Lindsey Graham’s Ar 15.
I know this post is older, and that Beto is out of the race. What he said at the debate about taking people's rifles was a 180 degree spin from what he said in a radio interview only months earlier. He was falling behind in the polls and needed a boost.

But...there is always some other leftwing idiot is out there who wants to confiscate guns, and look no further than VA. Gov. Ralphie (who has no issues with terminating the life of a baby after it's born) is trying to ram through draconian gun control. Most VA counties and several cities are declaring themselves as firearm sanctuaries. Talk of bringing in the national guard has led to a spike in VA's veterans, LEOs and patriots signing up for the VA militia. VA citizens are not going to comply. Gov. Northam is basically screwed.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@BizSuitStacy Lmao post birth abortion silliness 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Don’t worry, if it comes to it the hicks will fold like they always do - but they already said there won’t be any confiscations.
@QuixoticSoul nice that you find infanticide humorous.

LOL. Once the militia movement gained steamed, Northam and co. walked back the confiscation talk in exchange for registration. Baby steps to confiscation. Way to stick to the game plan!
curiosi · 61-69, F
JessJessYay · 31-35, F
@curiosi lol oooooh the US military is shaking in their boots
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QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@pismo People who hunt deer with AR-15s generally do it in a particular context, often due to the weight savings.

But it’s also popular for hunting wild pigs, where that large magazine and easy controllability just might save your life.
toddr13 · 46-50, M
I don't have an AR-15, but I don't think Beto is going to snag the job, anyway.
He dropped out so that is a non issue.
joe438 · 61-69, M
@Elandra77 I just saw that on the news. There's no one in the field that appeals to anyone moderate though, so it's just one less clown in the sideshow. I really wish someone reasonable would enter the ring so we can vote Trump out.
@joe438 I want trump out so badly! He is unfit to lead a troop of girl scouts across the road to the latrine much less a country. With the country so divided-so polarized left of right I'm not sure a moderate CAB win-even though Obama did exactly that in 08!

The LGBTQ community, which Trump has alienated and turned against him is appox 4.5% according to Williams Research of last year. I essence 1 in 20.

Trump is also trying to impede on the rights of women in so far as abortion. I know women who are against abortion but are also against trump for trying ot do this to women who may want or need that option! Women are 51% of the population but not all are voting age!

If just these two groups ALL bote against him, he loses. You may not get a moderate but at least we are getting rid of one so terribly unfit to sit in the White house.

Did you even hear Staceyann Chin perform #notmypresident?
Success · 26-30, F
It rhymes with veto. I can hear the jokes now.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I have no need for an ar 15.
@SatanBurger to each their own
MrAboo · 36-40, M
If I had one, nope.

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