curiosi · 61-69, F
How about we just take the warning labels off of things and let nature sort it out.

I would rather live until my predetermined expiration date, thank you.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@SW-User you have a use by date sticker?

@ozgirl512 Yep but it doesn't say when it is, of course 😉.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@SW-User live it up girl... You just never know ;)
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
The very definition of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
What would be the point? Humans are way more fun than robots.
You'd be bored.
You'd be bored.
thinkincubes · 41-45
It depends on your perspective... As a human, killing all humans seems excessive. As a robot, or a non-human animal, or a deity, exterminating the cause of basically every problem makes perfect sense and doesn't seem unethical at all.
DDonde · 31-35, M
The lack of human suffering is meaningless without there being humans to experience that lack of suffering.
Because there would be no more humans to kill.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Because we have laws that we must follow. These laws help us maintain a sense of balance and peace. 🙂