If they want free healthcare they should go to Canada, you know the country where everyone pays HALF their freakin pay check in taxes to cover the cost of FREE healthcare. OMG no thanks. WE THE PEOPLE I think the democrats forgot that part.
Ok thanks but I would rather spend it myself if that’s alright with you and the democrats. When I die I would just a soon leave it to my daughters. @Pherick
Yep. Plenty of Canadians to ask here on SW. Since SW right wingers seem to only process anecdotal evidence, here’s some: I have relatives in Canada, including some wealthy ones in conservative Calgary. They want no part of American style healthcare. @JaggedLittlePill
@gregloa We the people who are drowning in debt due to being gauged by, among others, international pharmaceutical companies whose stock is part-owned by, among others, certain US senators and presidents (most of whom happen to be in the Republican party, interestingly enough) and therefore refuse to protect Americans by levying higher taxes on their products. Because in this country it's all about the bottom line, not about "we the people". Sadly enough. Want to understand why our current president does what he does? Look at the shares he owns in companies around the world. That's his only motivation. Money. Not "we the people". But I digress.
@JaggedLittlePill haha love your about me! Says a lot. Why don’t the democrats and everyone else that loves their healthcare and their taxes move to Canada. DUH!!!
lol so your response to that was canadians pay a lot of taxes an this one guy is not sure how much of that goes towards healthcare? And that was meant to support your horseshit claim that 50% of canadian taxes go to healthcare.