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bijouxbroussard · F
I have questions—about its effectiveness considering that people are here illegally from all over the world, many who simply remained after their work and student visas expired. A wall won’t stop that. Then there’s the issue of the lies about its funding. Trump insisted, “Mexico’s paying for it.” So why was the national emergency necessary to strong-arm getting the money from taxpayers (ultimately) ? And Trump has a problem with legal immigrants from places he’s designated “sh*thole countries”, preferring European immigrants (which he’s stated on more than one occasion). So, sorry, but I believe Trump’s concerns are less about the legality (he’s had undocumented workers at his own properties) than whom he perceives is coming, and he plays to his supporters’ racism.
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Madhatter · 31-35, M
No. Just about every expert agrees that building a wall would be entirely pointless and ineffective. It is nothing more than a colossal waste of money that we can't afford to spend. Illegal immigration is only a symptom of a more severe problem, and any attempt at treating the symptom without addressing the underlying cause will be a fruitless endeavor.
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QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@WindOfAdolf A nazi idiot embraces crackpot conspiracy theories and wants to shoot people who don’t look like him, shocking absolutely no one.
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Keraunos · 36-40, M
As much as I may dislike Trump in general, this is actually a proposal I don't see a major issue with, and am basically down for it going full steam ahead.
DaySpider · 26-30, F
Hopefully won't draw fire for not being American here lol, but while there's nothing wrong with securing borders....most illegal immigration appears to be people who DO come in legally and then overstay their visas and basically disappear. Wall won't really help with that issue.
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DaySpider · 26-30, F
@WindOfAdolf Well 43% is still certainly a large number...
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
Those are two separate questions. The border definitely needs to be secured, but a wall won't do it and would in fact be wasteful and ineffective. The most effective solution is a combination of physical barriers in some areas, increased surveillance, increased technology, additional Border Patrol staff, etc. But a monolithic wall that Mexico won't pay for? No.
Theseus · 46-50, M
Build the wall, secure the border, and bus every single illegal immigrant to Nancy Pelosi and Chuckles Schumer.
Gingerbreadspice · F
I think every country needs to build a border wall.
ladycae · 100+, F
there are other more effective ways to secure the border. the border needs to be secured that is indeed true but we don't need the wall
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Why can't we go into those countries and clean them out so people can live there and not want to move. Central and south America have been a mess forever.
Graylight · 51-55, F
The world is not black and white and solutions are rarely binary in nature. It's not an either/or proposition.
But most of them come through legal ports of entry. Hahahahahaha xD
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Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
I don’t support open borders but what is the point of debating this issue. If you are against shooting illegal immigrants on site you get accused of supporting open borders.