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lorne13 · 61-69, M
you cannot accept or not something the trumpets are hiding

Pherick · 41-45, M
No Democrat has said "We don't accept the findings of the Mueller report" because no one has SEEN the Mueller report yet. Once they do and then we can have this conversation.
Pherick · 41-45, M
@bijouxbroussard Come on, it TOTALLY exonerates trump, he will be leading the pack to get it out so everyone can see how exonerated he is!!!!!
@Pherick Ha, you’d think so, wouldn’t you ? 🤔
Pherick · 41-45, M
@bijouxbroussard Well that would require thinking, which we know isn't trump's strong point.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Democrats in 2015: Everyone must accept the results of the election.

Democrats after the election in 2016: Trump's actions and those of his campaign and administration are highly suspicious and possibly treasonous. Russian influence on the election and Trump must be investigated to ensure election integrity moving forward.

Democrats 2017: Everyone must accept findings of the Mueller report.

Democrats 2019: Where is the Mueller report? All we got was an inadequate 4 page summary by someone who disagreed with the process and believes the president is above the law. We'll wait until we see what Mueller actually found before passing judgment on it.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Yes, he is wrong,which will always happened when you think in binary terms.

Plenty of Democrats accepted the election results. We just didn't like it.

And right now, there are no results of the Mueller report. Not even the White House has had a chance to see the full document.
I honestly didn't realize Republicans noticed discrepancies. They certainly don't seem to notice Trump's...

from (@trumpradictions) Twitter:
#Trump barred #transgender people from serving in the military after saying he would stick up for the #LGBT community.

Trump complained about anonymous sources after citing anonymous sources to claim that Obama's birth certificate is a fraud.

.@realDonaldTrump said the wall would be partly a fence after criticizing @JebBush for calling it a fence.

After complaining that #Obama watched basketball while #Putin tried to take over the world, #Trump watched golf under an even worse threat.

Donald Trump said that Hillary's email scandal proved her to be incompetent and a liar. Many (D and R) are now saying the same about Don Jr.

Trump shared a video showing violence against "CNN" after saying that he would never condone violence.

Donald Trump turned down intelligence briefings after warning that ignorance is inexcusable and there's no reason not to be well-informed

Trump complained about Democrats stopping his agenda after saying that Obama had no excuse for doing the same because he had full control.

Trump says that leaders need to take responsibility. Can you remember a time when he's taken responsibility for something? Neither can he.

President Trump refused to answer a question from @jdickerson after he excoriated President Obama for allegedly doing the same.

#Trump called the investigation into his campaign a "witch hunt" after claiming that @BarackObama resisted similar investigations

#Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russians after criticizing federal employees for leaking intelligence "like candy"

#MelaniaTrump didn't wear a headscarf in Saudi Arabia after @realDonaldTrump criticized #MichelleObama for doing the same

#Trump bowed to the Saudi King after criticizing Obama for bowing to the Saudi King

#Trump attacked Syria without congressional approval after criticizing President Obama for attacking Syria without congressional approval
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I do think he's pretty wrong in March of 2019, but he's also doing exactly what Trump does, repeating false or misleading statements until they become accepted.

After a while, some people get conditioned, not unlike a dog, to do what he wants, believe what he says.

But while other people may react negatively, scream about his lies and the danger that he and his loyalists represent, it still serves him, because he can rally his pack to fight them.

I know which kind of dog I am, but what I don't know is what happens when the Hyenas come for the entire pack's kill and we're fighting amongst ourselves.

Not am I sure why the leader seems to be so nice to hyenas and why he never seems quite as hungry as the rest of us after they run off with a carcass.
@windinhishair I'll check it out. For some reason, I tend to remember Buchanan on religious and moral issues, which Trump doesn't really emphasize as much, but that might be where I was at at the time.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@MistyCee Let me know what you think.
@windinhishair I will.
What utter nonsense.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
Sounds right, nothing surprising here.
katielass · F
You seem surprised.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Except where he is, which is every fucking work out of his mouth.

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