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Because I take politics as serious as Trump takes his marriage.

Everyone is way too sensitive about things and I need to learn how to get sanity back.

Though I love memes, I can defend my beliefs till the end without name calling.
@SW-User good

@Harley4Life I need a box set of this show in my life
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Callmewhatyouwill LOL. Are you a lurker on the politics section who just watches the drama?
@Burnley123 lol mostly.
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Either way, I'm blocking you. Don't really have time for people who'd rather throw around insults than do anything else.
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curiosi · 61-69, F
Because discussions are pointless, the asker doesn't want a discussion (present company excluded), they want a circle jerk. Memes are funny, they get the point across and you don't have to argue.
@curiosi ☝️👍
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@curiosi I dunno. I've had memes posted at me in arguments. Some can be funny tbf.
Fernie · F
@curiosi Thank you!!! A good meme can make a powerful point and get some serious laughs. I shall continue memeing daily to annoy the "right" people!!
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Because the modern right has its origins on 4chan and internet spaces like that and the left doesn't have that (forgive me for using this word) pedigree.

If you go to the most active meme maker spaces online, they have a decided right tilt and are churning out new content every five seconds.

Left wing memes seem to be the most popular on Facebook, and leftbook is more about weird in-jokes about dogs and brutalism. It's fun, but not particularly urgent or relevant.

And frankly, the right is willing to get a lot nastier with memes than the left. A meme that's cruel, untrue, but emotionally resonant is going to go far. You end up with this system of older people sharing the memes young folks made.

A right wing meme site, Ontario Proud was instrumental in getting Doug Ford elected as premier of Ontario for example.

Or in short - we're just not as good at memes as the right are.

As evidenced by this five-paragraph post instead of a picture of Trump smirking about having cucked someone.
cultofaction · 26-30, M
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@cultofaction Sigh, nobody ever falls for that.
MethDozer · M
@CountScrofula 4cghan wasn't right wing until fairly recently even then it's mostly just /pol/
St0ut · 51-55, M
Because words are hard and meme are easy to republish
Ynotisay · M
Because spelling?
Fernie · F
Rutterman · 46-50, M
Good question. I seldom use memes in a discussion of political issues or other things of a serious nature. They're best used primarily in response to humorous posts, in my opinion.
WalksWith · 56-60, F
They've been trained to a) not think for themselves. b) 30 second sound bytes and c) not fact check.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
They enjoy regurgitating information without looking more than a centimeter deep. 🤷‍♀️
Byron8by7 · M
They lack coherent creative thought.
because the left dont listen to words unless its an echo
@RodionRomanovitch always the same triggered assholes on my comments..
Gee guys.. I must hit that raw nerve of yours a lot 👌😁
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Sorry buddy but you're just a clown. 😎
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout The only thing you trigger Aussie is howls of laughter and derision. I thought you might have figured that out by now.
Damn. Good point.
I never thought about that.
I'm a Conservative, and I don't use memes. Therefore, your entire premise is faulty at best. But then again blanket statements typically are.
Ynotisay · M
@PrivateHell You sort of proved a different point with that response, huh?
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@PrivateHell I meant it as a general rule. Obviously there are exceptions.
Ynotisay · M
@Burnley123 You chose the rights words. He chose not to see them.
Northwest · M
What LcChris said.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Because they're easy and require no critical thinking.
Well aren't you special :D

No really, stop bragging about this. Doesn't make you a better person.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@Burnley123 I just discovered what the irony emoji is. (I never usually understand any of those things , apart from the most obvious ones.)

Thanks !
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@RodionRomanovitch Its just my name for it. I also use it when I'm being a smartarse, which is never. 😇
cauaze wez cant rightes no goddd
TexChik · F
Wind bag !
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@TexChik Shhhh, it's ok. You don't have to put on a show for us, we've all seen it before.
TexChik · F
@QuixoticSoul hahahahaha, you Libtards are so insecure... you always go for personal attacks against those who think poorly of you . Is Misogyny part of your repertoire now Libtard? Are you so unsure if the BS you spew? That was a rhetorical question. Run along and play now.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@TexChik 🤔
I don't even know how to pronounce the damn things. I rarely use more than five words.
MethDozer · M
Any politics adside it comes down the truth the left can't meme and doesn't get it really.It isn't that right really memes more. It's that meme and internet culture of triggering and reveling in absurdity. That said the left is easier to trigger and not see a joke as a joke as a joke. So they tend to gravitate towards on side on the surface for that effect. Then it sometimes gets sewriously co-opted from a small group on the right. We see it all the time with numerous examples. The current one being the NPC meme which many on the left who don't get memes thinking it is some right wing thing when it isn't really at all.

The tech community and popular internet giants lean left, so if th point is to trigger and get some LULZ out of people taking something seriously the memes follow the opposite path. The left as a general rule doesn't have the skin or the self humor to meme.
MethDozer · M
@Burnley123 There's plenty of other lefties. You're telling me Headlines and Kali aren't far left and trollish? Hell everybody is pretty much a troll here.

lol I cannot even comment on those ones anymore. They all blocked me for calling their nuttyness a long time ago
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@MethDozer KatieLass finally blocked me the other day - I have to say, SW seems more sane and peaceful already 😂
MethDozer · M
@QuixoticSoul You lucky bastard. 😃

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