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If you still think the left is tolerant

Do a group search on here. just type republican then do the same with Democrat. It’s pathetic how hateful and bitter the left is
AbbeyRhode · F
I don't even have to look, I've seen it with my own eyes. I've NEVER in my entire life seen a Democrat who had to fear expressing support for a candidate, but I have seen a LOT of people over the past couple of years who don't dare put up a yard sign, or speak the name of the man they support. And the ones who do end up beaten and bloody. Democrats are the 'party of tolerance' about as much as CNN is real news. 😂
@AbbeyRhode Yeah, it is literally dangerous in some parts of the country to come out as a Trump supporter. There are multiple cases of people being assaulted for being republican, some very seriously. I mean besides the infamous baseball game.
AbbeyRhode · F
Yep, I see it in my own town. There hasn't been any violence, but this was the first election EVER where there was not one single sign supporting the Republican candidate. I know for a fact there are plenty of Republicans, and they support Trump. And right across the river in NY, people are thrown out of restaurants and fired from their jobs if they are seen wearing a Trump hat. These are the people who call HIM Hitler!
@AbbeyRhode Well, that's part of the reason my hatred for LEFT THOUGHT is so intense and consuming. It is a clear and present danger, and , in my opinion, the biggest national security threat that this country faces. It is nearly half of US citizens, not because of 'who they are' but because of what they are willing to accept and overlook from their own ranks. The maggot media and troglodytes like Waters, Warren, and that other crazy woman with the stupid loving it, and they are the real culprits. They put weak minded people up to the senseless violence.
You sure about that?

I mean sure, it’s true that there are people on the left who are intolerant. Some do hate conservatives and conservative ideology. But that prize goes to the right wing.
@QuixoticSoul I seldom use words like 'mean'. Leftists are to 'mean' as the blue ringed octopus is to 'poisonous'. Despicable. Sick. Insane. obscene. depraved. disgusting. foul. pathetic. pathological . vulgar. repulsive. repugnant. etc etc....

"Mean" is laughing at someone for slipping on a banana peel. Leftists will laugh, then pick the banana peel up to use for race baiting.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@puck61 Oh those meanies!

Christ there is less REEEEEEEEing on tumblr. Gender bending otherkin whine less than you 😂

Oh and
During this period, no persons in the United States were killed in attacks carried out by persons believed to be motivated by extremist environmental beliefs, extremist “animal liberation” beliefs, or extremist far left beliefs.
@QuixoticSoul You guys just really suck. I see it every day. I hope you're all real proud of yourselves. You're just a bunch tasteless heartless nazi douche bags, and I hate everything about you. This is what happens when neglected and spoiled children become adults. You're just gross and disgusting and a blight on society.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
TBF, Democrats get called Libtards a lot and that wouldn't come up in a search.
 Democrats get called Libtards a lot and that wouldn't come up in a search

Yeah, but that's different. 🙄
Pherick · 41-45, M
@Burnley123 I think that is one of the funniest things, I vote Democratic, but alot of my views are more central, I am not some far-left Progressive, my views are very different depending on the subject.

However, to some people here, it seems like if you say the word Democrat, thats it, they shut down, and anything you say or post are lies of the highest order.

I have blocked a rare few and NO ONE because they had a different political opinion. I seem to get blocked after someone insults me, then I feel no need to respect them and they get butthurt.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Pherick I'm a democratic socialist and British so I do have ideological and cultural differences with the Democratic Party mainstream. I would vote Democrat in America and be a DSA Berniecrat or whatever. I'm a Jeremy Corbyn supporter. In my experience of here, I have disagreed with centre left people on several issues but not been blocked.

I did post once arguing that the radical left were in the best place to combat the rising far right. Liberals joined in to disagree but it was a polite adult conversation. Only one Conservative could really debate in that way but he blocked me after I criticised Tommy Robinson. Oh well.
OggggO · 36-40, M
Funny, it's not the left I see reflexively referring to their opponents as demons, rats, crap, dumb, and retarded. But maybe that's just me?
@SW-User Is a dead meme format your best response
[image/video deleted]
OggggO · 36-40, M
@SW-User If you're going to spam him, can you do it somewhere I don't get notifications every time you post?
Graylight · 51-55, F
Ironic that your post about the intolerant left is in the form of a divisive, intolerant post from the right.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@SW-User That's faulty logic. To disagree with a statement that is inherently false isn't being divisive.

If I say all Republicans are certifiable as intellectually challenged people, and you argue that contention, are you being argumentative or are you setting the record straight, injecting truth into the discussion? A little critical thinking goes a long way.
@Graylight what did I say that was false I made a statement about two words you can search on this website. You trying to make it something else is being divisive
Graylight · 51-55, F
@SW-User Not false. Faulty logic.
Not everyone can be as tolerant and nonviolent as the American right.

@CopperCicada notice how you’re always defending
@SW-User Actually I think both major parties are off their rails with shrill rhetoric.

I just went through 8 years of how Obama was a Muslim shill, a terrorist, gay, a commie, with images of him as a monkey, being hung, images being burnt and lynched. All the birther shit. How he destroyed America.

And now it's the same. Different furniture. Trump the Russian shill. Trump the Nazi, the fascist, the racist. Trump the bully. Trump the crook. Trump the woman hater.

... and you know. I'm fucking sick of one side pointing fingers and demonizing the other.

After "non-participating" the. next largest political block is "independent and NPA" and we're sick of both of the GOP and DNC.
daisymay · 51-55, T
@SW-User You started out by attacking "the left" as being intolerant and then expected nobody to defend themselves?

Fuck you, and happy holidays!
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Search "libtard" and see just how friendly the right is.
@SW-User internet liberals are really dense I know that but that’s not how the real world works. Like I’ve said to everyone on here when republican and libtard are not only comparable in your eyes but bring up hate groups that proves my point
@SW-User Is that supposed to be a point for the right that they are more likely to use a term like "libtard"? The word "libtard" is much, much more common than "conservitard" and its variants. By your logic that proves that the right is more hateful than the left.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@SW-User As I said elsewhere - those results are meaningless because the bad actors from the right don’t even bother using the proper name of the opposing party. The results are fact - but your interpretation and conclusion you draw from them are faulty.
I think it’s funny at how many offended people were whining about how it’s both ways. This is why the left is so uniformed. They don’t do research, I made one point about groups on this site. They can’t even do a group search and see it for themselves. They change the topic to make the debate more complex. I’m talking about one particular instance, and they are making excuses. If you did what I said in my original post you’ll have no excuse for how bias the groups are on this website.
daisymay · 51-55, T
Have you searched the words others have told you that are used to describe "the left" you are so hot to condemn? No? Why is that?
@daisymay like I said this is why you’re uninformed
daisymay · 51-55, T
@SW-User Deflection noted. Run along now, you wouldn't want to have your worldview shattered.
daisymay · 51-55, T
Aww, you guys still control the Senate and both other branches of the federal government! Why so petulant and whiny? Do you need a safe space to go to, snowflake?
Budwick · 70-79, M
@daisymay Responded to what?
What emoji?
WTF are you rambling on about?
daisymay · 51-55, T
@Budwick Read the thread, holy shit. Hot steaming cup of shit said that "the left" had to censor emojis. I called him out to show us where that happened. Guess what I got? Crickets.

WTF are you so obtuse?
daisymay · 51-55, T
@SW-User And is it removed? Or do you just not like it when people exercise their free speech if you don't like the speech?
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
Do you mean like Antifa screaming, threatening at Tucker Carlson's home. Or posting the home address of conservatives like Ann Colter, Hannity.
katielass · F
I've known for years how intolerant the left is. Like small children, they've pouted, ranted, screamed, thrown themselves on the floor and now they're getting violet when they don't get their way. That's ok though because mine is locked and loaded and I'm just looking for an excuse.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@katielass You're possibly the least tolerant person I've ever encountered online.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@CountScrofula That famous conservative self-awareness 😂
curiosi · 61-69, F
Libs are evil!
@curiosi Poodle sharks are evil. Pseudo libs are evil. Leftists subscribe to an evil ideology, but , as rare as they are, there are still old school liberals around. I respect them. We all owe a debt of gratitude for the work that real liberals have done in the US for many years. The thing is, these fascist cockroaches who have invaded in the last 20 years or so, are NOT liberals. They wouldn't make a pimple on a real liberal's ass. I'm not a granola eating, patchouli wearing, Ken Kesey reading, tie dyed warrior myself, but this country is better off because of them.
curiosi · 61-69, F
@puck61 That was a very long time ago.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@curiosi Way to prove the OP bogus 😂
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@CountScrofula I am something of a child myself nice to meet you
White and no college?
@SW-User boom
I kind of mess of the curve for the right. Maybe I should take it down a notch!

ViciDraco · 36-40, M
Both sides are extremely hateful and bitter. The right (Republicans) hates the center (Democrats) and the center hates the right. Actual leftists are still actively derided by both parties.
@OggggO Libertarian left, not libertarian like Rand Paul. Or, as opposed to the authoritarian left.
@ViciDraco using libtard isn’t a valid argument. No shit a hateful term brings hateful results. Republican and libtard are not the same.
@ViciDraco That is true. On another site, there's a conservative poster who complains about Democrats all the time but calls them "Democraps" so you wouldn't find his posts searching "Democrat".
Since no one is getting the point “libtard” is a hateful term. Hateful terms in search bar brings hateful groups. Despite what some people think “republican” isn’t a hateful term so searching just the word republican shouldn’t result in right hating groups. I tried to break that down to an elementary level since both sides of this thread seem to lack deductive reasoning and critical thinking skills.
@Graylight you can try but I won’t dumb down to your level
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@SW-User Who is to say what a hateful term is? Hateful terms can't be used has an excuse for violence. Best to fight hateful words with logic, facts, but never violence.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@SW-User The part that you're missing is that a large contingent of SW's finest never even use the word "Democrat" - maybe it's seen as too respectful to use the full name of the opposing party, or something. You ever see katielass, etc actually spell out the full word without turning it into something else?

The fact that liberals tend to use "republican" in their terminology even when expressing some sort of distaste, is already a step above.
So MuCH fOR tHe TOlEranT lEFt!!!

they're not a hivemind, just like republicans aren't. ya shit stirrer.
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
😂 one of them is supposed to be left?
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