Xuan12 · 36-40, M
I'm going to tell you right now, no one really understands the world economy, it's just too big. Even well educated people who make it their profession can only come to educated guesses about what the world economy will do in many cases, because the complexity and the motives of the world's economic participants are too much to compute. While some things are well known, the conditions are always changing, so you can't even be certain that what happened before will happen again.
imareallyfatman · 36-40, M
This is true but i don't want to learn how to invest my money or predict the future. I'm more interested on knowing how some things work, in details.
Are you an expert, maybe?
Are you an expert, maybe?
Fernie · F
If we did understand it they would not be able to steal our money the way they do
livesincar · 41-45, M
take as much as you can, give as little back as you can. that is how it works