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Conservatives: What is one issue that liberals prioritize that you agree with?

You do not have to agree with their solutions. Just one big issue that you agree is a problem that should be dealt with.
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Disallowing preexisitng condition exclusions in health insurance plans.
cultofaction · 26-30, M
@jackjjackson Liberals don't believe in that lmao
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
I do and they say they do. Even Medicare doesn’t exclude preexisting conditions. @cultofaction
cultofaction · 26-30, M
@jackjjackson I read that backwards. Wow, you're nuts! You realize this basically makes genuine insurance illegal, right? One could just wait until they have a condition to buy insurance for Christ's sake. It's literally the most ridiculous law in this century.
@cultofaction not necessarily. Some people born with congenital issues can't help or change it. I've known people with Type I diabetes and heart defects.

What are they supposed to do?

What if you develop a condition and change/lose your job? Now you have a "pre-existing" condition
cultofaction · 26-30, M
@VeronicaJane If there weren't genuine use cases for the policy it would have no support 🙄 that doesn't change the fact that it's absolutely absurd in how easy it is to abuse and how much it punishes healthy folks for being healthy.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Your points are why single payer is the only sensible alternative. If you pay the tax for it Medicare if you don’t Medicaid and if you want you can buy a Medicare supplment. It’s not rocket science. @cultofaction
cultofaction · 26-30, M
@jackjjackson Jesus Christ, is everyone a pseudo socialist liberal nowadays? Here's a great alternative: government keeps their dirty hands out of my pockets. God damn it, you entitled old folks are going to destroy this country with your demands for free shit.

When did I step into this backwards parallel universe?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Actually I’m a conservative. The problem is for profit insurance companies responsible for shareholder earnings and high executive compensation packages. There is huge administrative duplication and wildly swinging claims guidelines designed to screw payers out of treatment. The bastardized system we have now is WORSE than what was in place prior to the ACA. With due respect you’re missing the point. @cultofaction
cultofaction · 26-30, M
@jackjjackson You could have fooled me tonight.

No, the problem is overregulation. Creation of the policies like you're talking about has gotten us into this mess. Competition is enough to keep insurance companies from gauging consumers unless we have enough regulations to kill a man from attempting to reading it all like we do now. The government has prevented competition and stifled the free market.

Look at other P&C insurance industries. Homeowners, business, auto, etc. They don't gauge their customers! Gee, how incredible is that, and they're hardly even regulated compared to healthcare.

The policies you're talking about are nothing but a bribe for poor fools to get their votes.

The bastardized system we have now is WORSE than what was in place prior to the ACA.
This much we agree on, and I believe it was done on purpose to make the issue even more pressing so that a redder Congress could do some real damage to it. Who knows, though.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Interestingly enough conservatives in general are against SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. It historically is what the LIBERALS wanted. In my view, unlike other insurances which are basically a commodity, because of concern over family members getting the best possible treatment it has enabled gaughing by both insurers and the medical community. @cultofaction
@cultofaction entitled old folks? You mean the ones who paid into the system and paid for their parents?

Part of the problem is that we are approaching a point where there will be more retired folks than working.

Are you going to say that its their fault for not having more kids?
cultofaction · 26-30, M
Are you going to say that its their fault for not having more kids?
Actually, demographics is a serious issue in itself, not because of trashy government programs.

entitled old folks? You mean the ones who paid into the system and paid for their parents?
Yes, that is exactly what I mean. They were stolen from, so now they feel absolutely dignified in their wanting to steal from their children. What a shame.
@cultofaction interesting that you categorize it as "stolen from".
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
This young man is a sad anomaly. He thinks it’s fine for him and his family to get the government benefits they at least partially paid for but doesn’t want to pay anymore and shortsightedly wants his take home pay increased to $25 per week. However he doesn’t plan to pay cash when his wife should he be so lucky need medical treatment or have babies or when said babies need medical treatment. He’s what is generally referred to as an entitled hypocrite he doesn’t plan to pay for his parents retirement or medical bills either. @cultofaction @VeronicaJane
cultofaction · 26-30, M
@jackjjackson No one in my family collects government benefits.

I'll gladly pay cash at the hospital. Many times it's even worth it for the insured with high deductible plans because of the cost decrease for cash payments.

I'll gladly help my parents retire. I don't think social security will help them very much anyway.

I would even be willing to pay into social security until all the unfunded liabilities are paid off if it was guaranteed to end before my generation began to perpetuate it. I'm just sick of the wealth redistribution by people who think they have the right to dictate where my money goes, and if my generation has to be the one to suck it up and bite the bullet, so be it. I don't want to pass this burden onto my kids.

Principles are more important to me than a few hundred bucks a month.
cultofaction · 26-30, M
@VeronicaJane I think stealing is an accurate characterization of what happened. Did you have the option not to contribute? Is it not stealing if I take a man's wallet and leave him my watch?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Nice try. You remain in the entitled hypocrite column. @cultofaction
cultofaction · 26-30, M
@jackjjackson Right 🙄 tell me more about how I'm an entitled hypocrite for paying for your retirement. You have no legs to stand on here.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Sorry. I’ve already paid in more than I would ever get out even if I live to 120 and am still paying. The legislation created a social contract. How would you like it if the rules changed and your 401K was taxed in full when you turn 30? You are making grandiose statements about what you would do in the future however there is no guarantee you actually will or be able to do it.

One thing I would go for is that if at age 40 a person could waive any right to social security (after paying into it for twenty plus years) and be allowed to find a Roth 401K with NO limit and no deduction for doing so. I would be in favor of that. @cultofaction
cultofaction · 26-30, M
The legislation created a social contract.
You can't have a contract without consent.

How would you like it if the rules changed and your 401K was taxed in full when you turn 30?
I opt out of that nonsense.

One thing I would go for is that if at age 40 a person could waive any right to social security (after paying into it for twenty plus years) and be allowed to find a Roth 401K with NO limit and no deduction for doing so. I would be in favor of that.
I like the idea, but it would never happen. Too many people would opt out, and at their peak years of income. There would quickly be no cash flow to all the retired folks.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
The fact that you don’t believe particpatr in an available 401K and or IRA (Roth or traditional) disqualifies you from having an opinion worth listening to on this subject. You’re clearly entitled to your opinion but the problem is only a dunce. would not participate in an available 401K and or IRA. I will give you the benefit of the doubt since you seem earnest but please educate yourself in the finacial planning area . @cultofaction
cultofaction · 26-30, M
@jackjjackson Having a 401K doesn't make sense if you intend to be in a higher tax bracket anyway by the time you reach the age that you can make withdrawals. I'm also generally distrustful of others when it comes to my money if that wasn't already evident.

There's no chance that the Us dollar has any value by the time I retire anyway, so why would I lock myself into something that will only give me dollars?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Okey dokey. Bitcoin, rubles and yen. @cultofaction
cultofaction · 26-30, M
@jackjjackson I'm not interested in junk money, and you just sidestepped my whole argument.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
More like I ignored it 😉 @cultofaction