kentex35 · 100+, M
I guess thatwould be George Washington and maybe the Addams family. Maybe Grant,with US as initials ya gotta love it huh y'all
wyolatex · 41-45, M
Adams, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt
HarryHatting · 31-35, M
@wyolatex Why Adams?
wyolatex · 41-45, M
@HarryHatting I like how he began to extend the boundaries of what the President was and did in our Republic and set the stage for future Presidential power and obligation.
HarryHatting · 31-35, M
@wyolatex How did he do that specifically in a way that was different or more pronounced than President Washington?
Graylight · 51-55, F
So many have had great influence, but I'd go with Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and Thomas Jefferson.
The first one, the 16th one and the other one.
HarryHatting · 31-35, M
@MsAnnThropy Who' the "other one" supposed to be?

They all had pretty atrocious foreign policies. Lincoln would probs be the only one
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HarryHatting · 31-35, M
@SW-User You're referring to all the Presidents before FDR? What about FDR and the Presidents after?
What type of foreign policy would have been good?
What type of foreign policy would have been good?

@HarryHatting Presidents after FDR had even worse foreign policies. None did any good. I would honestly prefer presidents before FDR. But to be honest FDR is currently the only president besides Lincoln whose foreign policy i somewhat respectable
HarryHatting · 31-35, M
@SW-User What about Lincoln and FDR's foreign policies did you like specifically?
MarmeeMarch · M
Thomas Jefferson - Lincoln - Washington - I guess

Teddy, Lincoln, Grant
MethDozer · M
Teddy Roosevelt
Thomas Jefferson
James Monroe
Thomas Jefferson
James Monroe
HarryHatting · 31-35, M
@MethDozer Why President Monroe?
MethDozer · M
@HarryHatting He did a lot to ease the post war tensions and bring the citizenry of the early nation together. He was very anti strong federal gvernment and opposed many of the early ideas to concentrate it by the Federalists . He negotiated with France giving us rights to the MIssissippi and eventuall the Louisiana purchase. He helped to ease the tension between the US and Britian following the war of 1812 and even playing Britain and Spain to each other which resulted in us getting Florida. Without him we likely never would have seen Manifest Destiny to the Pacific. Lots of reasons. He was a good President for the time.