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Should Native American Indians have to abide by the entirety of US law?

I don't think taking their land was that much of a big deal because they weren't doing that much with it and if they wished, they could revert to a traditional Indian lifestyle if they wished.

However, giving them reservations and Indian casinos seems a weak effort at placating them. Really I think they should morally/ethically be exempt from some parts of US law.

I'm not talking about murder or stuff like that. I mean drugs and victimless crimes like that. Indians (if they wish) should be able to get as high as they want and not worry about the law. IMO. What say ye?
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Taking their land was not the big deal although it wasn’t because they weren’t doing much with it. It was not allowing them to continue on the land they inhabited but most believed they did not (and that we did not, could not) own.

And, if you are living on a hundred prime acres of bottom land that I think would make a nifty winery and YOU’RE not doing anything with it, is it okay if I march in and relocate you without your consent because you’re not using it anyway?

Because people aren’t using land for what others think it SHOULD be used for doesn’t mean they're not using it for what THEY think it should be used for, like hunting, fishing, and just being.
AynRand · 100+, F
@Mamapolo2016 OK but they should at least be excempt from drug laws
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@Mamapolo2016 FINALLY!!...someone speaks with truth and not forked tongue! Thankyou so much for this reply...bless you!👏👍🤠
@indyjoe Well, Thank you. I don’t deserve that. I’m as fuzzy about most of it as anybody else. There are a couple of things that seem clear to me but the rest is foggy.
You don't think taking their land was "that big of a deal because they weren't doing that much with it?!" So, you won't mind then, if some random gang decides you're not really doing that much with your house/car/money/life/etc so they can just come in, and take it from you, by force, right?
Miram · 31-35, F
As an Amazigh I rather seek more power in the system ruling my land than be given financial nothings that may change when the laws change by those who have more power than I am.

And if the laws do not apply to me then I should not have access to the process of decision making.
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Phire1 · 51-55, F
@MarmeeMarch Any others?
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JohnRing · 56-60, M
@MarmeeMarch I agree with that at face value, but we made agreements with them organizing them in "Sovereign Nations". Doesn't sovereignty entail legislation?
Graylight · 51-55, F
I don't think taking their land was that much of a big deal because they weren't doing that much with it

How is anyone supposed to have a conversation with that opening line?
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@Graylight How enlightened.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@NankerPhelge Oh, I see what you did there. Using my own words back at me only works if they make sense. 🙄
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@Graylight Lol :)
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
They should be treated equally as everybody else. There is no reason why they can't live according to their traditional customs, is there?
AynRand · 100+, F
@NankerPhelge their traditional customs involved drug use
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@AynRand Those shouldn't be illegal if they don't cause the death of another. The law regarding drugs always has sucked big time.
I don’t know whether the Native Americans even want that. I DO know it would result in a lot MORE traffic of non-Native Americans on what land they have and I’m reasonably sure they don’t want that.

I guess maybe somebody should think about it and ask them.
‘I don’t think taking their land was that big a deal...’

It’s not like a genicide happened or anything. You know what, 9/11 wasn’t that big a deal either.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Taking their land WAS a big deal. They were doing plenty with it. They were living on it and using it for their welfare. Crammed into reservations, mostly on marginal land, they could NOT revert to their traditional lifestyles, even if they wanted to.

Native American tribes already have sovereignty over some US laws--taxes on tobacco and gasoline for example.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Well the casino thing is an exemption of US law
AynRand · 100+, F
@Jackaloftheazuresand and really, its a big nothing that doesn't empower most Indians. Exemption from silly drug laws would though.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@AynRand They are allowed to act as a state would when it comes to marijuana. Something else that you may not realize is that they are allowed to make these substances illegal themselves within the reservation so maybe they are too.
akindheart · 61-69, F
in florida, they kind of make their own rules. no lie. check out their casinos.
JohnRing · 56-60, M
We broke almost every agreement we made with them and we call them "Indian Givers". How we treated American Indians is a national disgrace.
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JohnRing · 56-60, M
@NankerPhelge well initially it was due to a misguided notion of "Manifest Destiny". That it was predetermined by God that the country should go coast to coast. We seemed to have a swath of Americans who still believe that baloney.
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@JohnRing I think religious people exist everywhere, not just in America. Each to their own, but religion should not be the deciding factor in how any country is run.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
I think all of you so far need to get a little, no ALOT, more education on the matter and maturity/brains wouldn't hurt either.🙄
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akindheart · 61-69, F
@AMERICA1ST the indians have parlayed their successful casinos in florida that hamper legislature. for instance, other gaming businesses have to abide by the Indian rules. for instance they have all the slot machines here.
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akindheart · 61-69, F
@AMERICA1ST it goes from leader to leader right? but you are correct. there is no consistency at all.
You shouldn't be allowed outside, you're going to hurt yourself.
@SW-User Ah.
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TexChik · F
The government gave them casinos . Which is a license to print money , and still the reservations are poor. Apparently corruption Isn’t just a white mans disease
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TexChik · F
@MarmeeMarch what are you smokin?
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