The year is 1492 Europe is in the height of a Renaissance the great permit some adult for over 6000 years China has been a country for 5000 years through his divorce mathmatics medicine science laws of navigation time keeping chemistry firearms.
The native Americans are still living in Indio Paleolithic level of technology there comes a point in time when the culture need to survive in the poor Darwinism their culture did not that’s not the Europeans fault it’s the fault of the Native Americans for not advancing their culture
@St0ut No threats here. You're offering to give up your house, right? I mean, that's where your logic leads. A Native engineer or doctor is clearly your intellectual superior, so you've made it clear it's totally appropriate for them to send you packing. Your culture has stagnated. The only threats here are those coming from you, justifying genocide, which is a hate crime and a violation of SW's terms of service.
@St0ut In any case, this has gotten boring. Arguing with someone who doesn't know basic facts and changes his terms for justifying hate crimes and murder over and over is a waste of my valuable time. Bye!
@Flenflyys I wonder if maybe we're on the same side here? Although you're vastly oversimplifying the history of white settlement in the Americas (again, the vast majority of Europeans came here as immigrants to join established states with immigration policies), are you arguing that we're being too easy on European conquerors and those who committed genocide by calling them "immigrants"? If so, then we agree and should stop arguing. Trying to find common ground. But if you're trying to say Europeans are justified in being here and current immigrants aren't, then you're just wrong.
@mountainguy I think you’re assuming I’m including the entire duration of the history of the Americas. And I’m not saying I have a problem with immigrants; I find the original post to be a weak argument.
@Flenflyys I don't understand why you wouldn't include the entire history unless there's a racial assumption that every white person--even those who immigrated in the 1920s--has some automatic link to people who showed up in 1620 or something. It's not at all a weak argument. Every single person supporting Trump in the US has immigrants in their family tree, most of whom were much less skilled than those coming here now. The only people who can seriously claim native status and argue against immigration would be Native Americans and maybe African Americans. Those are the people who really can't be counted as immigrants.
Every land has either been conquered or conquered themselves... a poor argument!
@SW-User So if someone were to steal your land are you going to honestly sit here and tell us that you would not only let that person steal your land but you’d follow their rules for the land even though it was stolen from you? Yeah sorry nice try but I call bullshit.
Forget mass rapings, murders and spreading of deadly diseases....the Europeans saved the “savage” natives with their peaceful dimplomacy according to the media