MS 13 , drug cartels , and an onslaught of uneducated, unvaccinated , criminal illegals are what want to come here . Undocumented democrats ? How many of you are willing to take in and pay for a bunch of illegals ? What if you came home and you found a family living in your house , eating your food , and charging on your cards ... and not being able to do anything about it ? That’s what you are telling me I have to do . No thanks . Better option ... you move to Mexico ! 😁
Carlos Santana is from Mexico. You can't go wrong with him. They don't get much cooler and groovier than this: [media=]
@bijouxbroussard Nice song, but the video was marred by all the unnecessary chatter on it. It would have been much better if they'd cut out the first minute and gone directly into the song.
@bijouxbroussard I'm not usually bothered about posting live performances. I just look for the original recording because that's usually the version people bought on record and put it in the charts.