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blueberrycake · 26-30, F
I have known Republicans who get downright hostile if you disagree. In fact, it gets to the point where it's just easier to say nothing. My parents were that way. You aren't allowed to watch anything but FOX in their house!

sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
@LyricalOne yeh man, tell me about it... (sits down with a tub of popcorn)


want some?
LyricalOne · F
@sighmeupforthat Yes please.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
i love it when separatists think the rest of the world cares.

divided we fall bro.

help a real cause... charity for those that can benefit from your assistance.

donations, volunteer... involve yourself in some way, contribute maybe like create a sponsorship or get the company you work for.. if you work to be part of a foundation.

people like my wife would greatly appreciate it other than this bullshit con and lib nonsense that seems to be more important than actually doing anything.

bickering is as bad as praying... it really is the thought that counts.
WoodyAq · M
I don't know. The Trumpets often resort to ad hominem attacks at the first criticism of the Orange one. Much like Trump himself. Obama never did that.
@WoodyAq I strongly support Trump against all American haters, all bleeding heart socialist wanna be’s, all blind sheep Obama lovers, all illegal aliens.... Do I make myself clear and obvious now?????????????????????????????And I’m no troll. However I have read many of the poster’s questions and went to his beginning, and I’m convinced this man is indeed a troll. However I agree with much that he has posted. What gave him away is his talk of Trump being a savior and Obama being the Antichrist! I think this guy is a ‘smart’ troll only trying to trigger people.... yes, I’m quite sure of it now! Who knows what he even believes....or stands for.! And you are in denial if you think conservatives rioted and assalted and killed people over who was voted in as president! HECK no we did not!!!!!!!
WoodyAq · M
@SW-User Your first sentence is what an anti-liberal troll would say, not a conservative.
@WoodyAq Have you lost your mind? Go troll someone else.... not interested ! You don’t even know what the heck you believe in.... lol 😝 shooo
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
I literally just got blocked by a republican, there are babies on both sides
@Flenflyys Usually he's much more tolerant of the must have been going at him pretty hard. Just as an experiment after the whole Eleanor Roosevelt debacle I talked a female user into commenting on his same post about how FDR wasn't patriotic because he was always sitting down for the national anthem. Yep...didn't block her...actually proceeded to pm her and explain about FDR having polio and then proceeded to try to flirt with her.
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Nothing gets the ladies going like a chat on polio...and yea once he started deleting replies and trying to dig through my old posts I started to mess with him a bit
@Flenflyys Yea when he blocked me he made some wisecrack about a post I had done like 2 months prior, lol.
Ehhh, both sides are equally as bad.
katielass · F
Especially when the facts support you and not them so it's not a matter of opinion, they just go ballistic. You can almost see them stomping their feet whining I want obozo to be the more successful president, dammit. Why can't the facts be on my side for once. lol
katielass · F
@Gwangi Yes honey, keep telling yourself that. *pats your head*
Gwangi · 46-50, M
@katielass excellent. So you agree with me.
katielass · F
@Gwangi No dear, I do not. You see, I'm not one of those easily manipulated and too stupid to know it dem voters like you. Btw, your mommie is calling. Time for you to come wash your hands for dinner. Be sure to scrub them good, considering where they've been.
lorne13 · 61-69, M
You sound pissy saying that
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33person · 26-30, M
From what I have seen, she's kind of centrist, lol. Like on economics, she's not that progressive, at least I think she might not be. And on immigration, I think she's kinda moderate if I remember some of the stuff I have seen correctly.
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yeronlyman · 51-55, M
That’s the modus operandi of fanatics of any sort...

We don’t really have that much dichotomy here. We had differences in civil war politics, but much of that has wisely past with time.

Sounds like to me the fanatic conservatives want to marry their guns, fanatic liberals their cats and dogs

Woof woof
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yeronlyman · 51-55, M
@FelixLegion maybe that too... and gun yielding homocidal maniacs kill school Kids

Fanatics are ends of the spectrum
TexChik · F
Ah yes ... that’s been known to happen
@TexChik welcome to democracy
33person · 26-30, M
The people who don't get pissy at all are the people who don't actually care or believe anything. "You believe we should let the poor die in the streets, and I don't. But it's okay. I don't really mind sociopaths. Let's have lunch!"
Graylight · 51-55, F
Prove that, please.
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yeronlyman · 51-55, M
@Psycho wise man

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