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Does anyone actually believe a two state solution is possible in Israel-Palestine?

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Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Israel settlement policy is based around removing that possibility.

This is a one sided conflict that can only be resolved (and even then it would be a mess) if America stops backing Netanyahu unquestionably. The opposite is happening.
SuicideBiProxy2 · 36-40, M
@bijouxbroussard Have any US Presidents ever been neutral? Obama supported the Palestinian Authority and publicly loathed Israel. From memory Clinton did try to be even handed. Bush didn't want to be involved. I just don't see how Palestine has a chance in hell. People keep talking about it as if there are two sides in conflict. If you look at a settlement map, Palestine is nothing. Settlements destroyed the capacity for a separate state.

Even without the US, what has stood in the way of Israel's expansion?
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@SuicideBiProxy2 Please look up how much overseas aid Israel gets from America and also where they get their weapons from. That happened under Obama too FYI.
@SuicideBiProxy2 There is no indication that Obama “loathed” Israel. He may’ve disliked Netanyahu, but the feelings were more than mutual, as evidenced by the fact that Bibi participated in the GOP’s basically treasonous invitation to address Congress behind Obama’s back.
It's probably possible. But with Hamas in the way, it won't happen any time soon.
Palestine was never a 'state'. And it's past the point of compromise. Isreal has a huge army and could wipe out Gaza and take the west bank in a heartbeat. But they don't.
Military occupations are clearly permitted under international law following an aggressive attack by a neighboring state. Under international law until a meaningful peace is achieved and all terrorism against it ceases Isreal has every right to retain military occupation over this area. Since no peace treaty has been reached and terrorism continues with new attacks threatened almost daily, Israel is under no legal obligation to leave. @Burnley123
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@SW-User The Oslo accords exists and has been ignored by Israel.

GAZA is not a neighbouring state, legally or in practicality. Look at the one sided death toll, the balance of forces and the history of unforced encroachment by Israeli settlers for even more evidence as tk why this is not about defense.
It's all about defense. The peace agreement was broken when Isreal was attacked. @Burnley123
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Every time Israel has offered it and it has been offered by Rabin and Barak among others, the Palestinians have refused to accept it. Remember that Israel has repeatedly sought and achieved peace with former enemies (Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia).

I disagree with a lot of what Israel is doing now, but I do not believe the Palestinians have ever had leadership that was willing to seriously consider a lasting, peaceful, two-state solution.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
logically it should be possible but Muslims are sworn to ensure it never happens so.......
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
So long as Israel is opposed to it, no. They'd just occupy the new state.
abe182 · 51-55, M
No. Short answer.
abe182 · 51-55, M
@SW-User agreed but will hamas?
The point is, there is a solution. It just needs to be inacted @abe182
abe182 · 51-55, M
@SW-User as things are currently, never gonna happen.
patkaren1717 · 41-45, M
Never the Palestinians do not want peace, they are terrorists.
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
No, neither state would be able to accept the other, they both regard each other as existential threats.
I would call daily rocket attacks, suicide bombers, mines, missles an existenial threat @Xuan12
Cierzo · M
Yes, possible and desirable. Then they can do whatever they please.
fredmohar · 41-45, M
Israel can't let Palestinians create a state and get arms because they will try to attack Israel as soon as they can and tear Israelis' hearts out (as they are instructed to do by their leader).
4meAndyou · F
No. The idiot who decided to take away land in the possession of the Palestinians and give it to holocaust victims and Jewish refugees created a problem similar to that of the Native Americans and their European conquerors. Conquerors typically cannot be removed, and if their victims are allowed to remain anywhere nearby, they will be eternally angry. This will never really be resolved. The Palestinians are now being victimized by Hamas and their puppetmasters in Iran. You can create a Palestinian state, but you may as well call it Little Iran.
Luke111 · 22-25, M
Unfortunately no,those retarded Palestinians won't accept a Jewish state.

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