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Fact or Fact: Barack Obama and everyone who came before him were better presidents than Trump.

SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
I don’t know enough about the past presidents but Trump is not a good role model for the youth in this country. I know that.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Quakertrucker · 70-79, M

We are in agreement on many candidates, though not all.

I also liked Carol Mosely Braun and Dick Gephardt and Howard Dean.

I still can’t believe that a yell of excitement derailed Dean’s candidacy, while the nation voted for an arrogant, misogynistic, racist, elitist asshole who attacked everyone unceasingly.

And, I believe that John McCain is a GREAT American!!! He is a hero par excellence regardless of what spineless Trump might say. He was captured because his plane was shot down, and suffered through 4 1/2 years of unbelievable torture, the results of which plague and somewhat cripple him to this day. Yet, he stayed strong and never compromised his values or America.

Trump, his detractor, would have pissed himself, cried uncontrollably, and said anything the Vietnamese wanted him to if an interrogator walked into his cell holding a nail clipper. Hell, he probably would have shit himself as well.

I did not vote for McCain in the election, ONLY because - with his health issues and age - I was terrified of Sarah Palin advancing to the presidency. If he had picked almost anyone else, he would have had my vote. And, according to advance reviews of his book, McCain seems to agree. He says that he wishes that he had stuck with his gut and ignored his advisors abd picked Joe Lieberman. McCain/Lieberman would definitely have been a winning ticket, and a much respected administration.

I liked Hillary quite a lot when Bill was first elected, but lost a lot of respect for her following the Jennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinski, etc. disclosures. She presented herself as a supporter of women, but then attacked those who came forward with charges against her husband - including attacking a young, naive intern as a slut and worse. There could be no grester disparity of power than that between the President of the United States and a lowly intern.

That said, I did vote for her in the 2008 primary, and then voted for Obama in the general.

Beginning from the moment he declared his candidacy, I worked for and supported Bernie Sanders. For over a year, my wife and I had a huge Bernie sign in our front yard - only taking it down after he lost the primary.

I saw a political cartoon that I felt expressed the difference between Bernie and Hillary. It used the exact same words for both candidates, but with different punctuation. Bernie: “I say what I believe. People want to hear.”. Hillary: “I say what I believe people want to hear.”

To me, this succinctly showed the difference between them. I believe Bernie - with Elizabeth Warren, or even with Hillary, on the ticket - would have beaten Trump resoundingly.

However, with my misgivings about Hillary, I simply could not vote for her in the general, and, there was no way in Hell that I could vote for Trump. I also wasn’t thrilled with Stein or the other third party candidates, so, for the first time since my first presidential race in 1972, I did not cast a vote for President. I did vote in all of the other races.

For 2020, I love Joe Biden but believe he is too old to be elected. I also love Bernie and Elizabeth Warren, but also feel they will be too old. I also loved Al Franken, but his reputation is now too tarnished, probably wrongly so.

I like Keith Ellison, Cory Booker, and Kirsten Gillibrand. Any two of those in any order on the ticket would be fantastic. And, as we get closer to 2020, more people may strike my political fancy.

I did not mean to run on so long.

It has been fun and interesting speaking (in online terms) with you.

I wish you the best!

beckyromero · 36-40, F

Joe Biden would be my first choice for 2020. I would not be surprised if he pledged to serve only one term. I would not be surprised if he picked John Kasich as his running mate, a unity ticket to defeat Trump. The far left would howl, though.

Palin did not really worry me. She's a populist and doesn't tow the party line. I think the establishment Republicans were horrified at the thought of McCain and Palin in the White House for 16 years, two conservative populists that they couldn't control. So much so that they'd rather have seen Obama get elected. Hillary was my first choice, of course.

Both Bernie Sanders and Lizzy Warren are too socialist for my liking. Also very dovish on foreign policy. I wouldn't have voted for Sanders or Trump (I would have left the presidential ballot blank and would in 2020 if those are the choices).

No way voting for Trump!

Keith Ellison? I would never even consider voting for him after I heard he said this about 9/11:

[quote]"It's almost like the Reichstag fire, kind of reminds me of that. After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the Communists for it, and it put the leader [Hitler] of that country in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted."[/quote]

Godwin's Law. 😀

Cory Booker, I don't know enough about him.

Kirsten Gillibrand; I like her. I could vote for her if Biden doesn't run.

Kamala Harris wants to jail parents of truant children. Sounds like something Trump would have cooked up. No thank you.

Despite the many candidates, the Democrat bench is weak. But Biden is well respected and has been around forever and has loads of experience. I think he can beat Trump. Hillary won't run again.

John Kerry probably wants to run but he was a big disappointment. And I blame him partly for Hillary's loss in 2008. He endorsed Obama over Edwards (who he picked to succeed him had he won in 2004). Got to figure he knew about Edwards' affair. Had Edwards been forced out before Iowa, Hillary would have won the caucus. Then New Hampshire. I think it would have been over quickly.

Who knows? Maybe she would have picked Obama as a running mate before all the bad blood was spilled. Or Biden. Or Wesley Clark. Certainly not that back-stabbing Richardson.

But Michael Bloomberg? Forget him. I don't like social engineers who want to dictate the size of a pop you can order.

Maybe an outsider like Admiral James Stavridis could be good too.
Absolutely every President before Trump was better. This Administration is flooded with corruption. Trump gets all the media attention while Pruitt guts the EPA, Betsy appointed a bunch of for profit school people, the defense department won't do anything about Russian hacking and nobody works there anymore. There are no diplomats, what do you need diplomats for if you are going to start another war in the Middle East. Bombs away, the Taxpayers need to buy more bombs. That's what we need.
Quakertrucker · 70-79, M
I definitely believe that President Obama was a MUCH better person for the office than Trump - I hate calling Trump president.

However, I can’t say that every president before Trump was better - almost all, yes, but not all.

We have had some pretty bad presidents in the past. One that jumps immediately to mind is Warren Harding back in the mid-Twenties.

The first time that I could vote was in 1972, and - having been raised Republican - I voted for Nixon. What with Watergate a year later, and having my worldview widened by college - Kentucky was one of two states where 18 year olds could vote prior to the 26th Amendment - I soon regretted my vote.

That said, I never thought that I would be nostalgic for President Nixon. Trump has made me so!

Quakertrucker · 70-79, M

Agnew, even with all of his alliterative put-downs of political opponents - pusillanimous pussyfooting ... was a better VEEP than Pence.

Of course, Trump attacks everyone with his own put-downs. That is the path taken by people who lack the intelligence to counter other’s arguments. Don’t listen, don’t respond rationaliy; just Attack, Attack, Attack, ... , ad nauseum.

That’s our man, God help us all!

Cheney was evil as a V P but he doesn't compare to the total hypocrisy of Pence pretending to be religious and then spewing the verbal diarrhea he does. Backing up every lie Trump spews.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
@Quakertrucker [quote]I never thought that I would be nostalgic for President Nixon. Trump has made me so![/quote]

FreeSpirit1 · 51-55, F
Obama was the worst President ever....I remember reading it.
Bush wast the worst president ever....I remember reading it.
Clinton was the worst President ever...I remember reading it.
Bush was the worst president ever....I remember reading it.
Etc. See the pattern?
OggggO · 36-40, M
Quakertrucker · 70-79, M

Jackson refused to follow the decision of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshall, and stole the Cherokee’s land in Georgia. Then he forced them to walk over a 1,000 miles to Oklahoma on the “Trail of Tears” - during which over 4,000 Cherokees died.

He was the same as Trump in that he considered himself above the law. Jackson told Marshall: “You made your decision; now try to enforce it.”

Trump has said that Jackson is his favorite president which makes sense as they are kindred spirits. Jackson owned many slaves; Trump would if he could!

Jackson was in office for 8 years, while Trump has only been in office 1 1/3 years, so Trump has plenty of time to surpass Jackson in vileness.

And, God have mercy on America if he is re-elected!

Fernie · F
@Quakertrucker hosshit
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Clinton was impeached, as was Johnson. Garfield lost the white House China in a poker game. Lbj screwed us in Vietnam. Carter was basically useless. Actually most Democrats were. Franklin Pierce was terrible. FDR extended the depression. Obama kept the recession going for 8 years, doubled the debt, turned race relations back 60 years, and nationalized.
Thank you @MasterLee I would have tossed and turned all night from high anxiety unable to sleep if I had missed even just one or a half of one of the Whiney Points.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@softspokenman you state the obvious. This is why no clarification is needed when referring to Johnson and lbj. Educated people understand which Johnson is being referred to. So glad you can sleep. Seems the liberals are all up nights crying.
If you look back thru the post there was at least one person that said that they didn't know much about the Presidents. It wasn't intended to insult educated people. I have been called Stupid, ignorant, bozo, Libtard, dunbshit, Obama was called a "HALF BREED" and many other of their choice names, and I'm not the only one, by the Conservative BASE of Trump believers. The "Liberals" (Libtards} that I have spoken with in RL, some family, some friends, and some on here, are good decent people that want to live good decent lives and haven't had the same opportunities that being born into wealth has and are sick and tired of the self appointed elite abusing the system by using obvious greed and deceit to live in luxury from tax money, while they work 2 jobs and can't afford the necessary, like Health care, cant afford college for their children or save toward retirement that politicians receive full benefits at age 50 with 20 years service for life from the tax money that they pay. These Liberals also care about the others lives, like themselves, while the conservatives only care about each other or themselves. @MasterLee
Nope, in your mainstream media dreams😂
Quakertrucker · 70-79, M
I just thought of something. Almost a year ago, Trump announced (tweeted) that he was the best President the United States has ever had - including Lincoln, I believe he said.”

And, according to Trump, he would never lie.

Who do you believe?

eli1601 · 70-79, M
Yes. Nixon is the only POTUS that I can think of that comes close to the number of times that Trump has lied to the country.
"We'll find out who the leaker was" Do you think they started the Water Boarding yet ?@Pitchblue
Quakertrucker · 70-79, M

And, Nixon lied to America as President for 6 years, while Trump has caught up to his number of lies - if he hasn’t surpassed them - in just over one year.

Trump always wants to be the biggest - inaugural crowd, largest electoral vote count, “hands”, etc. - and he is on track to be the biggest liar to ever be elected president - probably anywhere!

I wonder with Melania's recent hospitalization need and her "Be Best" program for kids if it has made any change in the thinking about ALL people need Health Care, especially 'children' and working class rather than "It will cost more money than we take in for everyone." All his Kudo's, another TV opportunity to see himself, about the great job being done by the Hospital and all involved or is Healthcare still just for the wealthy who deserve it more than the working middle class tax payers ? @Quakertrucker
WalksWith · 51-55, F
Compared to length in office..I would say yes.

How historians evaluate presidential rankings:

Policy Leadership.

Crisis Management.

Presidential appointments.

Foreign Standing.

Character and Integrity.

Public persuasion.

Presidential Vision.
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@IstillmissEP you mean the guy who allowed african americans to sit in on the DNC, resulting in the deep south switching sides allowing Nixon to run on "southern values" and redefine the voting map. Yeah, pretty sure that makes him great!
Fernie · F
@IstillmissEP is that your example???
Quakertrucker · 70-79, M

As I stated earlier, we have had some presidents as bad, or even worse, than Trump.

That said, we have not had any presidents who were even remotely MUCH (using your emphasis) worse than Trump.

And, the others did their ill deeds in a full 4 or 8 years - not 1 1/3 as with Trump.

He still has 2 2/3 of his term to beat them and be declared the worst president we have ever had. I won’t say the “worst American president, because Trump is for himself first and foremost, and not for America.

God save our country if he is elected to a second term!

High Crimes and Misdemeanors:
Covers allegations of misconduct peculiar to officials such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming, and refusal to obey a lawful order.

Crimes Against Humanity:
A deliberate act, typically as a part of a systematic campaign, that causes human suffering or death on a large scale.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@softspokenman yes and we also heard Hillary and Obama lie and people died. There is no justice in America for politicians.
WTH are they ALL doing ? Hillary is in Australia on a talking tour and the tickets aren't cheap. Trump moves the US embassy and missiles start flying and people getting shot on the streets. @MasterLee
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@softspokenman lol she should keep walking.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@TheeOriginalEXLover I see. And the more money you make, the better person you are? That's all anyone needs to know about you.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
A man who sees his complete worth in what he earns is no one that is worth knowing. Your inflated sense of self worth is perfect for a trump supporter though.
The problem here is to many democrats socialist and liberals taking over America clition was not a good roal model nither was bush
@SW-User I think that's the most civil you've said all night. So cute.
@Pitchblue lol, he's not even trying
@GohantheThird He's a pretty good Troll. Just pretend to be dumb.
OggggO · 36-40, M
Look, he's doing the worst job in my lifetime, possibly the worst job in living memory, but he hasn't done a Trail of Tears yet, so Jackson is still worse.
Fernie · F
@OggggO No one is worse than one
OggggO · 36-40, M
@Fernie Sorry, but I'm gonna have to say that actual ethnic cleansing is a step or two worse than racist targeting of law enforcement and insufficient aid in the wake of a natural disaster.
Fernie · F
@OggggO that ethnic cleansing is happening again...since this is still a relatively civilized country...he can't gas blacks, muslims, jews and anyone else who annoys him...yet. There's more than one way to commit genocide and if he could...he would...he does it in his own way
have had several worse than trump. people poke fun and smear him on his womanizing ways but clinton and jfk were both that way and dems loved those two. obama was a good orator but he messed up healthcare, made bad deals that didnt help out the US. the bad part that is coming out of the presidents of now is how bi partisan everything has gotten. things are very polar dems will only vote for and support a persident that calls himself a democrat and the same goes for repubs. so how bad is our government now a days compared to years past.
katielass · F
pure bullshit, obummer was a pos half breed who wasn't even bright enough to know when to keep his stupid mouth shut. Of course, as hitlery said, dem voters are easily manipulated and too stupid to know it. I love that, it's the gift from hitlery that keeps on giving.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@luckranger71 Apparently it does not. 😔
Which "clown" do YOU think that I been defending because if you look back through any posts or reply's I didn't defend anyone @katielass?
Quakertrucker · 70-79, M

Which of his brain cells is working. I see no evidence of a functional one in his comments.

plinkplonk · F
W sucked monkey balls.
😳 Better than sucking snake balls. @plinkplonk :)
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@plinkplonk Correct. W was absolutely awful. One of the unfortunate byproducts of Trump is this kind of ridiculous rehabilitation of W. He unleashed a lot of the forces that led to Trump.
Quakertrucker · 70-79, M

I did not like W when he was in office, but Trump has sure made me miss him.

Both 41 and 43 stood up for America and pointed out the vileness that is Trump.

You never know who your friends might end up being.

lorne13 · 61-69, M
Fernie · F
Absolute fact!
There were other shitty presidents, aka James Buchanan.
@windinhishair fair point but so far Buchanan wins
@Fernie nah, he's just another maniac U.S. leader
Quakertrucker · 70-79, M

Unfortunately, Trump has 2 2/3 years left to surpass Buchanan and every one else in vileness.

And, God have mercy on America if he is re-elected!

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eli1601 · 70-79, M
MasterLee · 56-60, M
joesand99 · 41-45, M
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
Except for Buchanan and Harding, FACT 👍
Quakertrucker · 70-79, M

I mentioned Harding in my post as another really bad president. With Tea Pot Dome - and many other scandals - he was at least as bad as Trump. There are even theories that his “dying of food poisoning” was actually him being poisoned by his wife.

Buchanan was not so much crooked as incompetent. He was a complete idiot homosexual (nothing wrong with that if you are honest about it) whose sister served as first lady, as he had no wife.

Trump has almost three more years - or, God forbid, almost seven if he is re-elected - to surpass them, and the rest of our worst presidents.

strongbow · 46-50, M sound like another CNN dum dum
@strongbow Could you phrase that so we can understand it.

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