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Is Cory Booker really that stupid? Or is he typical of the residents of the formerly great state of New Jersey?

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This is what I found:
“I sit here right now because when good white people in this country heard bigotry or hatred, they stood up,” Booker began. “What went on in the White House, what went on in the Oval Office, is profoundly disturbing to me.”

He then began to criticize Nielsen’s claim that she doesn’t remember what Trump said in the Oval Office or whether the president used the term “shithole.”

“I’ve been in the Oval Office many times and when the commander in chief speaks, I listen. I don’t have amnesia on conversations in the Oval Office going back months and months and months,” Booker said.

"Why am I seething with anger?” Booker asked, “We have this incredible nation where we’ve been taught it doesn’t matter where you’re from, it doesn’t matter your color, your race, your religion, it’s about the content of your character. It’s about your values and your ideas. And yet we have language that from Dick Durbin to Lindsay Graham — they seem to have a much better recollection of what went on. You’re under oath.”

Booker continued, choking back tears. “You and others in that room that suddenly cannot remember. It was Martin Luther King that said, ‘There’s nothing in this world that’s more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.’ And so, here we are in the United States of America. And we have a history that is beautiful and grand, and also ugly — where from this nation to others, we know what happens when people sit by and are bystanders and say nothing,” he said

“Our greatest heroes in this country, spoke out about people who have convenient amnesia or who are bystanders,” Booker told Nielsen, quoting King, Elie Wiesel, Gandhi.

This idea that the commander in chief of this country could with broad brushes talk about certain nations and thus cast a shadow over the millions of American who are from those communities — and that you could even say in your testimony that Norwegians were [preferred] by him because they were ‘so hard working….

Your silence and amnesia are complicity,” he said, looking directly at Nielsen. “When Dick Durbin called me, I had tears of rage when I heard about his experience in that meeting, and for you not to feel that hurt and that pain and to dismiss some of the questions of my colleagues, saying, ‘I’ve already answered that line of questions,’ when tens of millions of Americans are hurting right now because they’re worried about what happened in the White House… that’s unacceptable to me..."
fairone · F
@bijouxbroussard I've always loved Cory.. The man is true blue and passionate.. He does not just preach.. He believes, he fights, he protects, he invests his heart, soul and intellect to causes. He's a very good man!
@fairone I always got that impression about him, too. 🙂
fairone · F
@bijouxbroussard I've known him in the past.. He's the real deal!
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@bijouxbroussard : Good find. "Did he upset your klavern?" That's harsh. But hilarious. 😂
ladycae · 100+, F
@fairone i absolutely love him. best senator we ever had.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ladycae Nah, just another Torch in a different suit.
@sunsporter1649 He's their senator. I'd believe them.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
I lived in philly for 5 years, New Jersey politics is a strange game. A private citizen bribes a Senator, goes to jail, the Senator who accepted the bribe walks free, and gets re-elected. Strange thing happen in New Jersey.
@sunsporter1649 You lived in Philadelphia so that makes you an expert in New Jersey politics. I see.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Lookit a map.
@sunsporter1649 Pennsylvania and New Jersey are still two different states. Yes, they're in close proximity,
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Three bridges connect Philly and Trenton, which the last time I looked was the capital of New Jersey. And the fake news media inundated us daily with NJ and PA politics.
@sunsporter1649 Oh, right. If it’s critical of Trump it’s “fake news”. Right along with lies being “alternate facts” in Trumpland. You’ve really been drinking the Koolaid.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
LOL, the fake news has been throwing stuff at Trump for more than two years, and nothing sticks. Fake books written by people who do not interview the people in the books, fake intelligence reports written by British citizens, cherry picking speeches for supposed inferences, fake outrage over policies implemented by the administration, the list is endless. I do not watch much television but I surely will watch the Fake News Awards.
ladycae · 100+, F
@sunsporter1649 boy trump is sure upset about that fake news book. tried to stop its publication, threatened it's author and publisher. if it's fake who gives a flying fuck. normal people are usually not ballistic over fake things said about them.
@sunsporter1649 For something “fake” he sure does throw some tantrums over it. And he has just enough lackeys (because he fires or censors anyone who doesn’t lick his boots) to protect him. But a few of his fellow Republicans have had enough stones to speak up, at the risk of their own careers. You believed them when they disagreed with the previous president, why not now ? We both know why. And you can call it a “card”, but it makes Trump a “card-carrying” racist. And the whole world knows it now.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
I @ladycae I see, you do not get upset when people denigrate your husband and children with half truths and outright lies. Sure am happy I am not in your family.
@sunsporter1649 And yet you’re perfectly okay with Trump’s lies and half-truths. I’m grateful not to have to claim you as a relative.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@bijouxbroussard For 50 years now, ever since I have been paying attention to politics, the goddamndemocrats have been throwing around the race card every time they do not get everything they want. If their policies were so mainstream and acceptable to the majority of the American people there would be no Republicans left to oppose them.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@bijouxbroussard For that, Ma'am, I am eternally grateful.
@sunsporter1649 And yet, Trump's a racist. He's proven it with his own rhetoric. The fact that you don't wish to believe it is on you. His fellow Republicans who aren't racists recognize it now, because he's given them little choice. But Trump could burn a cross on Dr. King's grave and the rest of you would still be making excuses.
@sunsporter1649 Yeah, you're the sort who'd disown a biracial kid, huh ? 😅
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Actually, my daughter, Morgan, is biracial, and I love her dearly. She is the apple of my eye. She currently works for the Department of Defense in DC, and I am a proud papa.
@sunsporter1649 Then for her sake, how can you be a Trumpster ?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
She worked hard to get her degree in computer engineering, and is as firmly conservative as I am. She was raised to look beyond emotions, to question everything, and gather as many facts as possible before making up her mind on anything. I could not be prouder of her.