Team owner, plantation owner.....pretty much the same thing.
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GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@SW-User Prisoners? Are you serious? They can quit anytime they want, with or without a contract. 1.9 million not bad for a [ slave ] Get real.

@GunSmoke9 Haha, of course I'm not serious. Just having fun with a bit of extreme sarcasm. But I don't see these guys as rich athletes rolling in cash like you make them out to be. You are talking of a select few. Not every NFL player sees a mega deal....most of them don't. As well as the bulk not seeing decade long careers. Average career length 3.3 years.
But to stick to the gist of your post...I do think Wilbon's comments were moronic.
But to stick to the gist of your post...I do think Wilbon's comments were moronic.
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@SW-User So they have a choice, and make money. Not the meaning of a slave is it?
katielass · F
Well, they work for him and the employer/employee relationship is not a difficult one to understand. If you have working brain cells. But the ultimate boss is the fans and they will have their way, like it or not. Those overpaid brain dead players will not win this fight. I believe they've thrown an incomplete. 4th down.

ESPN in general is a bunch of hacks, desperate for ratings. Garbage.