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Where does the Confederate purge go to next?

When the statues are all gone, the schools and streets are all renamed, what is left?
I predict any Confederate related books that don't fit the narrative of all southerners being racist white supmremacists will be removed from the public libraries.
Probably burned in big ole bonfires.
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Joaquin · 41-45, M Best Comment
"As a historian the hardest part of my job is that I am constantly building statues, as statues are the only way people learn about history. Little known fact, but most of what you learn when you pursue a PhD in history is actually just how to build and install statues. Just the other day I was discussing dissertation ideas with my advisor and she said "pick a different topic, there isn't a statue of this." The phrase "pre-history" derives from a German word meaning "periods of history that didn't leave statues behind so who knows what happened". Last year I did a ton of archival research only to have a conference reject my paper for: "failure to cite a statue." Harsh but fair! How do we know that Don Quixote and Rocky are real historic figures, and not fictional characters? Easy: because there are statues of them! How do historians know that F. Kafka's father was a terrifying headless monster and that Franz rode on his shoulders? Because of the statue. There are some who ask "which came first: the history or the statue?" But those people are philosophers and you should probably ignore them. Some argue that you can learn about history from books & other non-statue materials. But who has ever heard of learning from a book? No one! If a statue comes down it becomes impossible to know what happened in the past. No historian will dare make a claim without statue evidence. Don't we all know the famed adage: "if you want to be remembered, do something important - but also build a statue of it"?We do! Historians have been calling for a return to "statue based" education for years, but skills like "looking at statues" have been devalued. In conclusion: taking down statues permanently alters the space-time continuum (unless you build a statue of the other statue coming down)."

Get a clue!! THIS ISN'T ABOUT STATUES!!!!!
Niburu · 56-60, M
@Joaquin Very true, this not about statues.
It's about power, revenge, pride in ones family history, political leverage, getting your face on youtube, it's an excuse for various groups to have the fights they've been dreaming of.
And the list goes on.
The statues are just inanimate objects.

Look into who Matthew Fontaine Maury was before you mindlessly advocate tearing his monument down.

fairgame123 · 61-69, C
I only caught part of this story I was on the phone with a customer. In Tennessee one of the mayors is trying to have a confederate General Forest body removed. It started with flags then statues and now removing bodies. It will never stop. Watch the movie The tail that wags the dog.
lorne13 · 61-69, M
There aren't any statues of Hitler either, get over it
Goralski · 56-60, M
@lorne13 sure there is d Barbie museum
Niburu · 56-60, M
@lorne13 diferrent place, different time, different reasons for that war - basically a poor example to make an analogy of
lorne13 · 61-69, M
Maybe someone should replace all the statues from the Soviet era across all the former SSRs
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Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
I will erect a mighty and glorious statue of Lee on a horse on my property
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Goralski · 56-60, M
D constitution and bill of rights are invalid cause they were written by d man
MissPriscillaPrim · 70-79, T
You'll be surprised to learn I don't support the removal of Confederate statues... but only because it's wasting time and energy on symbolism instead of teaching and communicating. And because it's just feeding the fires of resentment from the White-supremos. Many Black folks I talked with told me they're too busy trying to survive to worry about some damn statue.
Niburu · 56-60, M
@MissPriscillaPrim congratulations on responding to a year old thread, going through my profile I take it
All the money has slave owners on it.. quick send it to me for disposal.
Or you are enabling slave ownership you racists bigot Jim crows
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