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Something is Missing............,.....................

I'm just laying here
Warm in my bed
But something feels wrong
Inhaling fresh sheets and the vanilla from my skin
The crisp air through cracked windows
Smelling everything but home
And somehow innately I know
Something is missing

But can you miss something that's never been there?
Can someone you've never met have a claim to a space they've never occupied?
Are they in the world somewhere feeling the same as me? Keeping busy but still available waiting for something that feels inevitable
Fiercely protective over this body
My space, my peace, my kids
Because on a subconscious level I understand that it's his,
and even though I don't know him yet
I will know him
and I pretty sure he will let me speak for the both of us
When I say he doesn't want you touching his shit!

But I digress
Maybe I'm the only one who feels an ache
That is not my own
And prays that wherever my other half is
Life stops treating him wrong
God give him some grace
And tell that stupid b*** to stay out his face
And yes he's distressed
Because in the pit of his soul
He's not whole
Because though I've never been there
He can feel that I'm missing
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
Wow. Nicely written.
MizzO · 31-35, F
@ineedadrink ty I'm still flushing it out on its not done yet

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